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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z = 351 = Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z = 126 = Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z = 9 = Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A
Sefer Yetzirah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sefer_Yetzirah Sefer Yetzirah (Hebrew, Sēpher Yəṣîrâh "Book of Formation," or "Book of Creation," ספר יצירה) is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish esotericism, ... Sefer Yetzirah Sefer Yetzirah (Hebrew, Sēpher Yəṣîrâh "Book of Formation," or "Book of Creation," ספר יצירה) is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish esotericism, although some early commentators treated it as a treatise on mathematical and linguistic theory as opposed to Kabbalah. "Yetzirah" is more literally translated as "Formation"; the word "Briah" is used for "Creation".[1] Contents [edit] Origin These divisions correspond to Jewish concepts such as the 3 letters making up God's name (yud, he, and vav), the 7 days of the Jewish week, the 12 tribes of Israel, and the 12 months of the Hebrew calendar, as well as to early "scientific" or philosophical ideas such as the 4 elements (fire, water, air, earth), the 7 planets, 10 directions, the 12 zodiacal constellations, various human physical functions, and a list of the parts of the human body. The book describes how God used the 10 sefirot and the 22 Hebrew letters in various combinations, and finally (as described in the closing section of the book), how he revealed this secret to Abraham as a covenant with him. God's covenant with Abraham is described as being two-fold: Wikisource has original text related to this article: Hebrew Wikisource has original text related to this article: Kabbalah portal Categories: Kabbalah texts This page was last modified on 25 February 2013 at 13:49.
Sefer Yetzirah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sefer_Yetzirah Sefer Yetzirah (Hebrew, Sēpher Yəṣîrâh "Book of Formation," or "Book of Creation," ספר יצירה) is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish esotericism, ... Origin - Manuscripts - Influence - Structure Sefer Yetzirah (Hebrew, Sēpher Yəṣîrâh "Book of Formation," or "Book of Creation," ספר יצירה) is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish esotericism, although some early commentators treated it as a treatise on mathematical and linguistic theory as opposed to Kabbalah. "Yetzirah" is more literally translated as "Formation"; the word "Briah" is used for "Creation".[1] Contents [edit] Origin These divisions correspond to Jewish concepts such as the 3 letters making up God's name (yud, he, and vav), the 7 days of the Jewish week, the 12 tribes of Israel, and the 12 months of the Hebrew calendar, as well as to early "scientific" or philosophical ideas such as the 4 elements (fire, water, air, earth), the 7 planets, 10 directions, the 12 zodiacal constellations, various human physical functions, and a list of the parts of the human body. The book describes how God used the 10 sefirot and the 22 Hebrew letters in various combinations, and finally (as described in the closing section of the book), how he revealed this secret to Abraham as a covenant with him. God's covenant with Abraham is described as being two-fold: Wikisource has original text related to this article: Hebrew Wikisource has original text related to this article: Categories: Kabbalah texts
SEPHER YETZIRAH www.sacred-texts.com/jud/yetzirah.htm SEPHER YETZIRAH. OR. THE BOOK OF CREATION. W.W. Wescott, tr. (1887). CHAPTER 1. 1. In two and thirty most occult and wonderful paths of wisdom did ...
The Sepher Yetzirah: The Book of Creation - Bill Heidrick hermetic.com › Bill Heidrick The "Sepher Yetzirah" is one of the most important founding works of Qabalah. It was composed probably between the 3rd and 6th centuries of the Christian era ...
Sefer Yetzirah - Wbenjamin.org www.wbenjamin.org/saadia.html SEFER YETZIRAH. [Book of Creation] &. Saadia's Commentary (excerpts). [From Saadia ben Joseph (al-Fayyumi), Commentaire sur le Séfer Yesira ou Livre de ...
The Book of Creation "Sefer Yetzirah" emol.org/kabbalah/seferyetzirah / Decoding the "Book of Creation". By Rob Zucker. The Book of Creation, or "Sefer Yetzirah in Hebrew, is one of the oldest manuscripts in the world. It is also one ...
WoC :: Sefer Yetzirah www.workofthechariot.com/TextFiles/Translations-Sefer Yetzirah.html Sefer Yetzirah. BOOK OF FORMATION "The Letters of Our Father Abraham". The Book of Formation (Sefer Yetzirah) attracts heated debate about its authorship ... Book of Creation - Aryeh Kaplan - Google Books books.google.co.uk › Religion › Judaism › General Rating: 4.5 - 9 reviews Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan has translatedSefer Yetzirah, the oldest and most ... When properly understood, Sefer Yetzirah becomes the instruction manual for a very ...
SparkNotes: The Kaballah: Sefer Yetzirah www.sparknotes.com › ... › Philosophy Study Guides › The Kaballah A summary of Sefer Yetzirah in 's The Kaballah. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of The Kaballah and what it means. Perfect for ... Kabbalah - Sepher Yetzirah
SEPHER YETZIRAH. OR. THE BOOK OF CREATION. W.W. Wescott, tr. (1887). CHAPTER 1. 1. In two and thirty most occult and wonderful paths of wisdom did ... SEPHER YETZIRAH OR THE BOOK OF CREATION W.W. Wescott, tr. (1887)
2. Ten are the numbers, as are the Sephiroth, and twenty-two the letters, these are the Foundation of all things. Of these letters, three are mothers, seven are double, and twelve are simple. 3. The ten numbers formed from nothing are the Decad: these are seen in the fingers of the hands, five on one, five on the other, and over them is the Covenant by voice spiritual, and the rite of Circumcision, corporeal (as of Abraham). 4. Ten are the numbers of the ineffable Sephiroth, ten and not nine, ten and not eleven. Learn this wisdom, and be wise in the understanding of it, investigate these numbers, and draw knowledge from them, fix the design in its purity, and pass from it to its Creator seated on his throne. 5. These Ten Numbers, beyond the Infinite one, have the boundless realms, boundless origin and end, an abyss of good and one of evil, boundless height and depth, East and West, North and South, and the one only God and king, faithful forever seated on his throne, shall rule over all, forever and ever. 6. These ten Sephiroth which are ineffable, whose appearance is like scintillating flames, have no end but are infinite. The word of God is in them as they burst forth, and as they return; they obey the divine command, rushing along as a whirlwind, returning to prostrate themselves at his throne. 7. These ten Sephiroth which are, moreover, ineffable, have their end even as their beginning, conjoined, even as is a flame to a burning coal: for our God is superlative in his unity, and does not permit any second one. And who canst thou place before the only one? 8. And as to this Decad of the Sephiroth, restrain thy lips from comment, and thy mind from thought of them, and if thy heart fail thee return to thy place; therefore is it written, "The living creatures ran and returned," and on this wise was the covenant made with us. 9. These are the ten emanations of number. One is the Spirit of the Living God, blessed and more than blessed be the name of the Living God of Ages. The Holy Spirit is his Voice, his Spirit, and his Word. 10. Second, from the Spirit he made Air and formed for speech twenty-two letters, three of which are mothers, A, M, SH, seven are double, B, G, D, K, P, R, T, and twelve are single, E, V, Z, CH, H, I, L, N, S, O, Tz, Q, but the spirit is first among these. Third, Primitive Water. He also formed and designed from his Spirit, and from the void and formless made earth, even as a rampart, or standing wall, and varied its surface even as the crossing of beams. Fourth, from the Water, He designed Fire, and from it formed for himself a throne of honor, with Auphanim, Seraphim, Holy Animals, and ministering Angels, and with these he formed his dwelling, as is written in the text "Who maketh his angels spirits and his ministers a flaming fire." (Psalm civ. 4.) 11. He selected three letters from the simple ones, and sealed them as forming his great Name, I H V and he sealed the universe in six directions. Five.- He looked above, and sealed the height, with I H V. Six.- He looked below, and sealed the deep, with I V H. Seven.- He looked forward, and sealed the East, with H I V. Eight.-He looked backward, and sealed the West, with V H I. Nine.- He looked to the right, and sealed the South, with V I H. Ten.-He looked to the left, and sealed the North, with H V 1. 12. These are the ten ineffable existences, the spirit of the living God, Air, Water, Fire, Height and Depth, East and West, North and South. CHAPTER II 2. He hath formed, weighed, transmuted, composed, and created with these twenty-two letters every living being, and every soul yet uncreated. 3. Twenty-two letters are formed by the voice, impressed on the air, and audibly uttered in five situations, in the throat, guttural sounds; in the palate, palatals; by the tongue, linguals; through the teeth, dentals; and by the lips, labial sounds. 4. These twenty-two letters, the foundations, He arranged as on a sphere, with two hundred and thirty-one modes of entrance. If the sphere be rotated forward, good is implied, if in a retrograde manner evil is intended. 5. For He indeed showed the mode of combination of the letters, each with each, Aleph with all, and all with Aleph. Thus in combining all together in pairs are produced these two hundred and thirty-one gates of knowledge. And from Nothingness did He make something, and all forms of speech and every created thing, and from the empty void He made the solid earth, and from the non-existent He brought forth Life. He hewed, as it were, immense column or colossal pillars, out of the intangible air, and from the empty space. And this is the impress of the whole, twenty-one letters, all from one the Aleph. CHAPTER III 2. These three mothers enclose a mighty mystery, most occult and most marvelous, sealed as with six rings, and from them proceed primeval Fire, Water, and Air; these are subsequently differentiated into male and female. At first existed these three mothers, and there arose three masculine powers, and hence all things have originated. 3. The three mothers are A, M, SH; and in the beginning as to the Macrocosm the Heavens were created from Fire;nthe Earth from primeval Water; and the Air was formed from the Spirit, which stands alone in the midst, and is the Mediator between them. 4. In the Year or as regards Time, these three mothers represent Heat, Cold, and a Temperate climate, the heat from the fire, the cold from the water, and the temperate state from the spiritual air which again is an equalizer between them. These three mothers again represent in the Microcosm or Human form, male and female; the Head, the Belly, and the Chest; the bead from the fire, the belly from water, and the chest from the air lieth between them. 5. These three mothers did he create, form, and design, and combine with the three mothers in the world, and in the year, and in Man, both male and female. He caused Aleph to reign in the air, and crown it, and combined one with the other, and with these he sealed the Air in the world, the temperate climate of the year, and the chest (the lungs for breathing air) in man; the male with A, M, SH, the female with SH, M, A. He caused Mem to predominate in Water, and crowned it, and combined it with others, and formed Earth on the world, cold in the year, and the fruit of the womb in mankind, being carried in the belly. He caused Shin to reign in Fire and crowned it, and he combined one with the other, and sealed them, as heaven in the universe, as heat in the year, and as the head of Man and Woman. CHAPTER IV 2. These seven double letters point out the dimensions, East, West, height, depth, North, South, with the holy temple in the middle, sustaining all things. 3. These seven double letters He formed, designed, created, and combined into the Stars of the Universe, the days of the week, the orifices of perception in man; and from them he made seven heavens, and seven planets, all from nothingness, and, moreover, he has preferred and blessed the sacred Heptad. 4. From two letters, or forms He composed two dwellings; from three, six; from four, twenty-four; from five, one hundred and twenty; from six, seven hundred and twenty; from seven, five thousand and forty; and from thence their numbers increase in a manner beyond counting; and are incomprehensible. These seven are Planets of the Universe, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars; the seven days are the days of creation; and these an the seven gateways of a man, two eyes, two ears, two nostrils and a mouth, through which he perceives by his senses. SUPPLEMENT TO CHAPTER IV Gimel, predominant in health, crowned, . combined and formed Mars in the Universe, the second day of the week, and the right ear in man. Daleth, predominant in fertility, crowned, combined, and formed the Sun in the Universe, the third day of the week, and the right nostril in man. Kaph, predominant in life, crowned, combined, and formed Venus in the Universe, the fourth day of the week, and the left eye of man. Pe, predominant in power, crowned, combined, and formed Mercury in the Universe, the fifth day of the week, and the left ear in man. Resh, predominant in peace, crowned, combined, and formed Saturn in the Universe, the sixth day of the week, and the left nostril in man. Tau, predominant in beauty, crowned, combined and formed Jupiter in the Universe, the seventh day in the week, and the mouth of man. By these seven letters were also made seven worlds, seven heavens, seven lands, seven seas, seven rivers, seven deserts, seven days (as before), seven weeks from Passover to Pentecost, and every seventh year a jubilee. CHAPTER V 2. These twelve letters, he designed, formed, combined, weighed, and changed, and created with them the twelve divisions of the heavens (namely, the zodiacal constellations), the twelve months of the year, and the twelve important organs of the frame of man, namely the right and left hands, the right and left feet, two kidneys, the liver, the gall, the spleen, the intestines, the gullet, and the stomach. 3. Three mothers, seven double and twelve simple, these are the twenty-two letters with which I H V H Tetragrammaton, that is our Lord of Hosts, exalted, and existed in the ages, whose name is Holy, created three fathers, fire and spirit and water, progressing beyond them, seven heavens with their armies of angels; and twelve limits of the universe. SUPPLEMENT TO CHAPTER V 2. God produced Vau, predominant in Mind, crowned, combined, and formed Taurus in the world, Yiar in the year, and the right kidney of man. 3. God produced Zain, predominant in movement, crowned, combined, and formed Gemini in the world, Sivan in the year, and the left foot of man. 4. He produced Heth, predominant in Sight, crowned, combined, and formed Cancer in the world, Tammuz in the year, and the right hand of man. 5. He produced Teth, predominant in Hearing, crowned, combined, and formed Leo in the world, Ab in the year, and the left kidney in man. 6. He produced Yod, predominant in Labor, crowned, combined, and formed Virgo in the world, Elul in the year, and the left hand of man. 7. He produced Lamed, predominant in sexual desire, crowned, combined, and formed Libra in the world, Tisri in the year, and the gall in man. 8. He produced Nun, predominant in smell, crowned, combined, and formed Scorpio in the world, Marchesvan in the year, and the intestines in man. 9. He produced Samech, predominant in sleep, crowned, combined, and formed Sagittarius in the world, Kislev in the year, and the stomach of man. 10. He produced Oin, predominant in Anger, crowned, combined, and formed Capricornus in the world, Tebet in the year, and the liver in man. 11. He produced Tzaddi, predominant in Taste, crowned, combined, and formed Aquarius in the world, Sebat in the year, and the gullet in man. 12. He produced Quoph, predominant in Mirth, crowned, combined, and formed Pisces in the world, Adar in the year, and the spleen in man. CHATER VI The triad, fire, water, and air; the fire above, the water below, and the air in the midst. The proof of which is that air is a participator with both. 2. Tali, the Dragon, is above the Universe, as a king on his throne; the sphere in the year as a king in his State, the Heart of man as a king in warfare. And our God made the states of opposition, good and evil, good from the good, and evil from the evil. Happiness is reserved for the just, and misery for the wicked ones. 3. And out of the triad one stands apart; and in the heptad there are two triads, and one standing apart. The dodecad symbolizes war, the triad of amity, the triad of enmity, three which are life-giving, three which are death-dealing, and God, the faithful king, rules over all from the throne of his sanctity. One above three, three above seven, and seven above twelve, and all are linked together, and one with another. 4. After that our father Abraham had seen, and pondered over, investigated, and understood these things, he designed, engraved, and composed them, and received them into his power (hands). Then the Lord of all appeared unto him, made a covenant with him, and kissed his head, and naming him after his own name, called him his friend; and as it is written, completed a covenant with him and with his seed forever, who then believed on God, the Tetragrammaton, and it was imputed to him for righteousness. God ordained a covenant between the toes of his feet, that of circumcision; and a covenant between the fingers of his hands, that of the Tongue. He bound the essences of the twenty-two letters on his tongue, and God disclosed to him the secrets of them. God has carried these through waters, He has borne them aloft through fire, and He has stamped them in the storms of the air; He has distributed them among the seven stars, and has assigned them to twelve celestial constellations. Amen. THE THIRTY-TWO PATHS OF WISDOM The Second Path is that of the Illuminating Intelligence it is the Crown of Creation, the Splendor of the Unity, equaling it, and it is exalted above every bead, and named by the Kabbalists the Second Glory. The Third Path is the Sanctifying Intelligence, and is the basis of foundation of Primordial Wisdom, which is called the Former of faith, and its roots, Amen; and it is the parent of Faith, from which virtues doth Faith emanate. The Fourth Path is named Measuring, Cohesive, or Receptacular; and is so called because it contains all the holy powers, and from it emanate all the spiritual virtues with the most exalted essences: they emanate one from the other by the power of the primordial emanation (The Highest Crown), blessed be it. The Fifth Path is called the Radical Intelligence, because it is itself the essence equal to the Unity, uniting itself to the BINAH or Intelligence which emanates from the primordial depths of Wisdom or CHOCHMAH. The Sixth Path is called the Intelligence of the Mediating Influence, because in it are multiplied the influxes of the emanations; for it causes that affluence to flow into all the reservoirs of the Blessings, with which these themselves are united. The Seventh Path is the Occult Intelligence, because it is the Refulgent Splendor of all the Intellectual virtues which are perceived by the eyes of intellect, and by the contemplation of faith. The Eighth Path is called Absolute or Perfect, because it is the means of the primordial, which has no root by which it can cleave, nor rest, except in the hidden places Of GEDULAH. Magnificence, which emanate from its own proper essence. The Ninth Path is the Pure intelligence so called because it purifies the Numerations, it proves and corrects the designing of their representation, and disposes their unity with which they are combined without diminution or division. The Tenth Path is the Resplendent Intelligence, because it is exalted above every bead, and sits on the throne of BINAH (the Intelligence spoken of in the Third Path). It illuminates the splendor of all lights, and causes a supply of influence to emanate from the Prince of countenances. The Eleventh Path is the Scintillating Intelligence because it is the essence of that curtain which is placed close to the order of the disposition, and this is a special dignity given to it that it may be able to stand before the Face of the Cause of Causes. The Twelfth Path is the Intelligence of Transparency, because it is that species of Magnificence., called CHAZCHAZIT, which is named the place whence issues the vision of those seeing in apparitions. (That is, the prophecies by seers in a vision.) The Thirteenth Path is named the Uniting Intelligence and is so called because it is itself the essence of Glory. It is the Consummation of the Truth of individual spiritual things. The Fourteenth Path is the Illuminating Intelligence, and is so called because it is itself that CHASHMAL which is the founder of the concealed and fundamental ideas of holiness and of their stages of preparation. The Fifteenth Path is the Constituting Intelligence, so called because it constitutes the substance of creation in pure darkness, and men have spoken of these contemplations; it is that darkness spoken of in scripture, Job xxxviii. 9, "and thick darkness a swaddling band for it." The Sixteenth Path is the Triumphal or Eternal Intelligence, so called because it is the pleasure of the Glory, beyond which is no other Glory like to it, and it is called also the Paradise prepared for the Righteous. The Seventeenth Path is the Disposing Intelligence, which provides Faith to the Righteous, and they are clothed with the Holy Spirit by it, and it is called the Foundation of Excellence in the state of higher thing. The Eighteenth Path is called the House of Influence (by the greatness of whose abundance the influx of good things upon created beings is increased) and from the midst of the investigation the arcana and hidden senses are drawn forth, which dwell in its shade and which cling to it, from the cause of all causes. The Nineteenth Path is the Intelligence of all the activities of the spiritual beings, and is so called because of the affluence diffused by it from the most high blessing and most exalted sublime glory. The Twentieth Path is the Intelligence of Will, and is so called because it is the means of preparation of all and each created being, and by this intelligence the existence of the Primordial Wisdom becomes known. The Twenty-first Path is the Intelligence of Conciliation, and is so called because it receives the divine influence which flows into it from its benediction upon all and each existence. The Twenty-second Path is the Faithful Intelligence, and is so called because by it spiritual virtues are increased, and all dwellers on earth are nearly under its shadow. The Twenty-third Path is the Stable Intelligence, and it is so called because it has the virtue of consistency among all numerations. The Twenty-fourth Path is the Imaginative Intelligence, and it is so called because it gives a likeness to all the similitudes, which are created in like manner similar to its harmonious elegancies. The Twenty-fifth Path is the Intelligence of Probation, or is Tentative, and is so called because it is the primary temptation, by which the Creator (blessed be He) trieth all righteous persons. The Twenty-sixth Path is called the Renovating Intelligence, because the Holy God (blessed be He) renews by it, all the changing things which are renewed by the creation of the world. The Twenty-seventh Path is the Exciting Intelligence, and it is so called bemuse by it is created the Intellect of all created beings under the highest heaven, and the excitement or motion of them. The Twenty-eighth Path is the Natural Intelligence, and is so called because through it is consummated and perfected the nature of every existent being under the orb of the Sun, in perfection. The Twenty-ninth Path is the Corporeal Intelligence, so called because it forms every body which is, formed beneath the whole set of worlds and the increment of them. The Thirtieth Path is the Collecting Intelligence, and is so called because Astrologers deduce from it the judgment of the Stars, and of the celestial signs, and the perfections of their science, according to the rules of their revolutions. The Thirty-first Path is the Perpetual Intelligence; and why is it so called? Because it regulates the motions of the Sun and Moon in their proper order, each in an orbit convenient for it. The Thirty-second Path is the Administrative Intelligence, and it is so called because it directs and associates, in all their operations, the seven planets, even all of them in their own due courses. END OF THE SEPHER YETZIRAH
GLORY FOLLOWS VIRTUE AS IF IT WAS ITS SHADOW MARCUS TULLIUS CICERO Marcus Tullius Cicero was born on January 3, 106 BC and was murdered on December 7, 43 BC.
The FULCANELLI Phenomenon Kenneth Rayner Johnson 1980 The Praxis Page 190 Theoretical physics has become more and more occult, cheerfully breaking every previously sacrosanct law of nature and leaning towards such supernatural concepts as holes in space, negative mass and time flowing backwards ... The greatest physicists ... have been groping towards a synthesis of physics and parapsychology. - Arthur Koestler: The Roots of Coincidence, (Hutchinson, 1972.)
Min (god) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Min_(god) Min is an Ancient Egyptian god whose cult originated in predynastic times (4th millennium BC). He was represented in many different forms, but was often ... Min (god) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Min The fertility dark-skinned god Min, with an erect penis and a flail Parents Siblings Consort Repit Min is an Ancient Egyptian god whose cult originated in predynastic times (4th millennium BC).[1] He was represented in many different forms, but was often represented in male human form, shown with an erect penis which he holds in his left hand and an upheld right arm holding a flail. As Khem or Min, he was the god of reproduction; as Khnum, he was the creator of all things, "the maker of gods and men".[2] [edit] Myths and function
NUMBER = 534259 = 1 = 534259NUMBER NUMBER = 234559 NUMBER NUMBER = 534259 = 1 = 534259NUMBER
NUMBERS = 5342591 = 1 = 5342591NUMBERS NUMBERS = 1234559 = NUMBER NUMBERS = 5342591 = 1 = 5342591NUMBERS
Alleluia (chant) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The word "Alleluia" or "Hallelujah" (from Hebrew הללו יה), which literally means "Praise ye Yah" or "Praise Jah, you people", is used in different ways in Christian ... The word "Alleluia" or "Hallelujah" (from Hebrew הללו יה), which literally means "Praise ye Yah" or "Praise Jah, you people",[1][2] is used in different ways in Christian liturgies. "Praise Jah" is a short form of "Praise Yahweh",[3][4][5] or of "praise ye Jehovah".[6] [edit] History
Eleleu-ih or Alleluia yahwehism.com/html/eleleu-ih.html What does eleleu ih, eleleu ie mean? "Eleleu!" is a cry of encouragement (from elelizo ele-lizo, meaning God or a god from ele (elohim) and "lizo" who lives (one ...
eleleu - Word in Context wordincontext.com/en/eleleu The ancient Greeks joined in battle with shouts of "Eleleu!" The Welsh cry was "Ubub!" from whence comes our word hubbub, meaning a confusion. The Irish war ..
Yahweh and Jehowah are not names of God!!! That's another ... www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1639400/pg1 31 posts - 6 authors - 15 Sep 2011
Definition of eleleus. Meaning of eleleus. Synonyms of eleleus www.wordaz.com/eleleus.html ... for eleleus definition. You find here eleleus meaning, synonyms of eleleus and images for eleleus. ... Meaning of eleleu from wikipedia. - calisto eleleus is a ...
Hallelujah, Halleluyah, or Alleluia, is a transliteration of the Hebrew word הַלְלוּיָהּ (Standard Hebrew Halləluya, Tiberian Hebrew Halləlûyāh) ... Hallelujah, Halleluyah, or Alleluia, is a transliteration of the Hebrew word הַלְלוּיָהּ (Standard Hebrew Halləluya, Tiberian Hebrew Halləlûyāh) meaning "[Let us] praise (הַלְּלוּ) Jah (Yah) (יָהּ)" (Sometimes rendered as "Praise (הַלְּלוּ) [the] LORD (יָהּ) or God"). It is found mainly in the book of Psalms. It has been accepted into the English language. The word is used in Judaism as part of the Hallel prayers. Alleluia is the Latin form of the word; it is used by Anglicans and Catholics in preference to Hallelujah. For most Christians, "Hallelujah" is considered the most joyful word of praise to God, rather than an injunction to praise Him. In many denominations, the Alleluia, along with the Gloria in Excelsis Deo, is not spoken or sung during the season of Lent, instead being replaced by a Lenten acclamation. Halleluyah is a composite of Hallelu and Jah (Yah). It literally translates from Hebrew as "Praise Jah, [third-person plural]!" or simply "Praise Jah!" Jah is the shortened form of the name Jehovah (Yahweh), referred to as the Tetragrammaton. The term is used 24 times in the Hebrew Bible (mainly in the book of Psalms (e.g. 111-117), where it starts and concludes a number of Psalms) and four times in Greek transliteration in Revelation.
Hallelujah Lyrics by Jeff Buckley at the Lyrics Depot ... Lyrics Depot is your source of music song lyrics. Try visiting our partners to ... www.lyricsdepot.com/jeff-buckley/hallelujah.html www.lyricsdepot.com/jeff-buckley/hallelujah.html
(L. Cohen) I've seen this room and I've walked this floor
COLLINS GEM DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE Rev. James L. Dow 1964 Page 208 Hallel [hall-el]. Lit, 'praise.' A name given to certain Psalms in which' Hallelujah' keeps recurring. There is the Egyptian Hallel (Ps. 1] 3118) and the Great Hallel (Ps. 120-136). These were sung at the great festivals.
"Hallelujah" is a song written by Leonard Cohen. It was first recorded on his 1984 album Various Positions. It has been covered numerous times and featured ... "Hallelujah"is a song written by Leonard Cohen. It was first recorded on his 1984 album Various Positions. It has been covered numerous times and featured in the soundtracks of several movies and television shows.
THE ROOTS OF COINCIDENCE Arthur Koestler 1972 Page 88 "Euclidian geometries, invented by earlier mathematicians more or less as a game, provided the basis for his relativistic cosmology Another great physicist whose thoughts moved in a similar direction was Wolfgang Pauli. At the end of the 1932 conference on nuclear physics in Copenhagen the participants, as was their custom on these occasions, performed a skit full of that quantum humour of which we have already had a few samples. In that particular year they produced a parody of Goethe's Faust, in which Wolfgang Pauli was cast in the role of Mephistopheles; his Gretchen was the neutrino, whose existence Pauli had predicted, but which had not yet been discovered.
MEPHISTOPHELES (to Faust): Beware, beware, of Reason and of Science Man's highest powers, unholy in alliance. You'll let yourself, through dazzling witchcraft yield To weird temptations of the quantum field. Enter Gretchen; she sings to Faust. Melody: "Gretchen at the Spinning Wheel" by Schubert. GRETCHEN: My rest-mass is zero My charge is the same You are my hero Neutrino's my name."
DOCTOR FAUSTUS Thomas Mann 1933
THE MASTER AND MARGARITA Mikhail Bulgakov 1977 Edition Page 352 "Don Quixote or a Faust, or , devil take me, a dead Souls! Eh?" Page 360 'You and I speak different languages as usual,' "Spirit of evil" Page 399 "He became pope in 999 under the name of Sylvester II"
THE MASTER AND MARGARITA Mikhail Bulgakov 1977 Edition BOOK ONE 'who are you, then?' 'I am part of that power which eternally will evil and eternally works good.' GOETHE
THE MASTER AND MARGARITA Mikhail Bulgakov 1977 Edition THE EXTRACTION OF THE MASTER CHAPTER 24 Page 276 "the cat" "the cat" "The cat" Page 277 "the cat" "the cat" "the cat" "the cat" "the cat" "the cat" "History will judge"
THE MASTER AND MARGARITA Mikhail Bulgakov 1977 Edition koroviev's stunts CHAPTER 9 Page 99 "no. 50" "five" "five" "five" "five" Page 250 'For someone well aquainted with the fifth dimension," "fifth dimension," "fifth dimension," "You must agree that that makes five"" Page 251 "five" "fifth dimension," "fifth dimension," "to business, to business,"
THE MASTER AND MARGARITA Mikhail Bulgakov 1977 Edition BOOK ONE 'who are you, then?' 'I am part of that power which eternally will evil and eternally works good.' GOETHE
“Who are you then?"
BHAGAVAD GITA chapter 11, verses 31-33 “Tell me who you are?” “I am as come as time, the waster of the peoples ready for the hour that ripens to their ruin.”
1 - 1 = O = 1 - 1 1 ONE = 7 SEVEN = 2 TWO = 4 FOUR = 6 SIX = 7 SEVEN = 2 TWO 2 TWO = 4 FOUR = 6 SIX = 7 SEVEN = 2 TWO 3 THREE = 2 TWO = 4 FOUR = 6 SIX = 7 SEVEN = 2 TWO 8 EIGHT = 4 FOUR = 6 SIX = 7 SEVEN 7 SEVEN = 2 TWO = FOUR 5 FIVE = 6 SIX = 7 SEVEN = 2 TWO = 4 FOUR = 6 SIX 5 FIVE 5 9 NINE 9 NINE 9 5 FIVE 5 9 NINE = 6 SIX = 7 SEVEN = 2 TWO = 4 FOUR = 6 SIX = SEVEN
RE 95 59 ER RE 95 59 ER
CITY OF REVELATION John Michell 1972 Page 160 "All who study the cabalistic science and the geo-metry and numbers of creation are attacked by melancholy, some-times fatally, the suicide rate among cabalists being notoriously high. The Point is clearly made in Durer's Melancholia. The garden of paradise,symbol of the ultimate perfection of human consciousness, has many delightful inhabitants which are at the same time dangerous beasts to whoever fails to recognise their nature and function; and of these the most treachorous is the mercurial old serpent of wisdom, that leads men on in the search of the treasure of which it is in itself the the venomous custodian."
OF TIME AND STARS Arthur C. Clarke Page 205 The Sentinel "I can never look now at the Milky Way without wondering from which of those banked clouds of stars the emissaries are coming. If you will pardon so commonplace a simile, we have set off the fire alarm and have nothing to do but to wait. I do not think we will have to wait for long. I CAN NEVER LOOK NOW AT THE MILKY WAY WITHOUT WONDERING FROM WHICH OF THOSE BANKED CLOUDS OF STARS THE EMISSARIES ARE COMING. IF YOU WILL PARDON SO COMMONPLACE A SIMILE, WE HAVE SET OFF THE FIRE ALARM AND HAVE NOTHING TO DO BUT TO WAIT. I DO NOT THINK WE WILL HAVE TO WAIT FOR LONG.
REACH FOR TOMORROW Arthur C. Clarke 1956 Introduction to 1989 Edition "However I have made some interesting discoveries; for instance, on the very first page of the first story, I see the number 9000. Ive no idea why I selected it again for HALs serial number 20 years later. . . " I see the number 9000 Ive no idea why I selected it again for HALs serial number 20 years later. . . "
THE LOST WORLDS OF 2001 Arthur C. Clarke 1972 Page179 "A long time ago," said Kaminski, "I came across a remark that I've never forgotten-though I can't remember who made it. 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.' That's what we're up against here. Our lasers and mesotrons and nuclear reactors and neutrino telescopes would have seemed pure magic to the best scientists of the nineteenth century. But they could have understood how they worked-more or less-if we were around to explain the theory to them."
Page 189 "The other is Clarke's Third* Law "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
GODS OF THE DAWN Peter Lemesurier 1997 "As Arthur C. Clarke's perceptive Third Law puts it: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
THE SECRET HISTORY OF ANCIENT EGYPT Herbie Brennan 2000 "The British science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke is said to have commented that "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
THE BIBLE CODE Michael Drosnin 1997 Chapter Four THE SEALED BOOK Page 70 "The astronomer Carl Sagan once noted that if there was other intelligent life in the universe some of it would have certainly evolved far earlier than we did, and had thousands, or hundreds of thousands, or millions, or hundreds of millions of years to develop the advanced technology that we are only now beginning to develop. 'After billions of years of biological evolution - on their planet and ours - an alien civilization cannot be in technological lockstep with us,' wrote Sagan. 'There 'have been humans for more than twenty thousand centuries, but we've had radio only for about one century,' wrote Sagan. 'If alien civilizations are behind us, they're likely to be too far behind us to have radio. And if they're ahead of us, they're likely to be far ahead of us. Think of the technical advances on our world over just the last few centuries. What is for us technologically difficult or impossible, what might seem to us like magic, might for them be trivially easy.' 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.' Page 163 pages 69-75 Chapter notes,
"The astronomer Carl Sagan suggested that an advanced alien technology 'might seem to us like magic' in Pale Blue Dot (Random House, 1994), p. 352.
The author of 2001, Arthur C. Clarke, made a similar observation: 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' (Profiles of the Future, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1984). Paul Davies' imagined 'alien artifact' is described in his book Are We Alone? (Basic Books, 1995), p. 42. Stanley Kubrick, in his famous movie version of Clarke's 2001, showed a mysterious black monolith that seemed to reappear at successive stages of human evolution, each time we were ready to be taken to a higher level. When I told him about the Bible code, Kubrick's immediate reaction was, 'It's like the monolith in 2001.'"
OF TIME AND STARS Arthur C. Clarke Page 205 The Sentinel "I can never look now at the Milky Way without wondering from which of those banked clouds of stars the emissaries are coming. If you will pardon so commonplace a simile, we have set off the alarm and have nothing to do but to wait. I do not think we will have to wait for long. I CAN NEVER LOOK NOW AT THE MILKY WAY WITHOUT WONDERING FROM WHICH OF THOSE BANKED CLOUDS OF STARS THE EMISSARIES ARE COMING. IF YOU WILL PARDON SO COMMONPLACE A SIMILE, WE HAVE SET OFF THE FIRE ALARM AND HAVE NOTHING TO DO BUT WAIT. I DO NOT THINK WE WILL HAVE TO WAIT FOR LONG.
FIRST CONTACT THE SEARCH FOR EXTRA TERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE 1990 SEIZING THE MOMENT A UNIQUE MOMENT IN HUMAN HISTORY Michael Michaud ANTHROPOCENTRISM GOOD-BYE Page311 "The most profound message from the aliens may never be spoken: We are not alone or unique. Contact would tell us that life and intelligence have evolved elsewhere in the Universe, and that they may be common by-products of cosmic evolution. Contact would tend to confirm the theory that life evolves chemically from inanimate mat- ter, through universal processes,implying that there are other alien civilizations in addition to the one we had detected. We might see ourselves as just one example of biocosmic processes, one facet of the Universe becoming aware of itself. We would undergo a revolution in the way that we conceive our own position in the Universe; any remaining pretense of centrality or a special role, any belief that we are a chosen species would be dashed for- ever, completing the process begun by Copernicus four centuries ago.
The revelation that we are not the most technologically advanced intelligent species could lead to a humbling deflation of our sense of self-importance. We might reclassify ourselves to a lower level of ability and worth. This leveling of our pretensions, this anti-hubris, could be intensified if we were confronted with alien technology beyond our understanding. (Arthur C. Clarke has observed that any sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from magic.) "ANY SUFFICIENTLY ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY IS INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM MAGIC"
KEEPER OF GENESIS A QUEST FOR THE HIDDEN LEGACY OF MANKIND Robert Bauval Graham Hancock1996 Chapter 14 Space-Time Co-ordinates Becoming equipped Page 232 The Utterances conventionly numbered 471, 472 and 473 in the" ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts contain information of an extraordinary nature. In view of the importance of this information,we set it out in full below: I am the essence of a god, the son of'a god, the messenger of a god. [says the Horus-King]. The Followers of Horus cleanse me, they bathe me, they dry me, they recite for me the Spell [formula] for Him who is on the Rightway, they recite for me the Spell of Him who Ascends, and I ascend to the sky. I will go aboard this-Bark of Re [the Solar Bark] ... Every god will /Page 233/ rejoice at meeting, me as they rejoice at meeting Re [the-sun] when he ascends from the eastern side of the sky inpeace, in peace. The sky quivers, the earth quakes before me, for I am a magician, I possess magic . . . I have come that I may glorify Orion; that I may set Osiris at the head, that I may set the godsupon their thrones. O Mahaf, Bull of the gods [Taurus-Hyades], bring me this [solar bark] and set me on yonder side . . . The reed-floats of the sky are set down for me by the day-bark that I [the solar Horus-King] may go up to them to Re at the Horizon. The reed floats of the sky are brought down to me by the night bark that I may go up on them to Horakhti at the Horizon. I go up to the eastern side of the sky where the gods are born, and I am born as Horus, as Him of the Horizon . . . I have found the Akhus with their mouths equipped . . . 'Who are you?' say they [the Akhus], with their mouths equipped. I am an Akhu with my mouth equipped,' 'How has this happened to you,' say they, the Akhus with-their with their mouths equipped, 'that you have come to-this place more noble than any place?' 'I have come to this place more noble than any place because: The reed-floats of the sky were set down- for Re [the sun disc and the emblem of the Horus- King] that Re might-cross [the Milky Way] on them to Horakhti at the Horizon . . . '8 These Utterances appear to describe an important part of the HorusKing's initiatory journey - an ordeal of questions and answers based on astronomical science - wrapped.up in esoteric symbols. The inquisitors are the 'Followers of Horus', also .known as the Akhus (the 'Venerables', the 'Shining Ones', the 'Transfigured Spirits', etc., etc.). Moreover, as we would expect, the Horus-Kings cosmic journey begins in the Taurus-Hyades region of the sky, on the right bank of the Milky Way and-proceeds along the ecliptic path to end at Leo i.e. 'Horakhti', at the horizon. Here, at this place more noble than any place', the Akhus greet him - indeed he claims to have become an Akhu himself - and give him the final, instructions or directions that he will need to complete his quest. What we have to consider is the possibility that these, final instructions might somehow have 'equipped' the Horus-King 'to make the necessary journey back in time, to the 'First Time' and-into the cosmic Kingdom of Osiris when sky and ground were united in perfect harmony."
Page 219 "Akhu, meaning variously, the'Shining Ones', the 'Star people' or the 'Venerables'. In this way they will lead us back to the trail of the 'Followers of Horus' and to the notion that for thousands of years - spanning both the prehistoric and the historic periods - the members of a hidden academy may have been at work behind the scenes in Egypt, observing the stars with scientific rigour and manipulating men and events according to a celestial timetable . . ." Page 244 Secret spell We suspect that for thousands of years before the Pyramid Age, hundreds of generations of Heliopolitan astronomer priests had kept the constellation of' Orion continuously under observation, paying particular attention to its place of meridian-transit - i.e. the altitude above the horizon at which it crossed the celestial meridian. We think that careful records were kept, perhaps written, perhaps orally encoded in the ancient 'mythological' language of precessional astronomy.20 And we suppose that note was taken of Orion's slow precessional drift - the effect of which was that the constellation would have seemed to be slowly drifting northwards along the west 'bank' of the Milky Way. It is our hypothesis that the mythical image of the vast.body of Osiris slowly being.carried to the north, 'i.e.'drifting' on the waters of the Nile, is a specific piece of astronomical terminology coined to describe the long-terrn changes being effected' by precession in Orion's celestial, 'address'. In the Mephite Theology.as the reader will recall, this drift was depicted as havig commenced in the south, symbolically called Abydos (in archaeological 'terms the. most southerly 'shrine' of Osiris), and to have carried the 'body' of'the dead god to a point in the north symbolically called Sokar, i.e. the Memphite necropolis (the most northerly shrine: of Osiris), As we saw in Part III, the Shabaka Texts tell Us that when he reached this point: Osiris was drowned in his water. Isis and Nepthys looked out, beheld him, and attended to him, Horus quickly commanded Isis and Nepthys to grasp Osiris and prevent his [submerging]. They heeded in time and brought him to land. He entered the hidden portals in the glory of the Lords of Eternity. Thus Osiris came.into.the earth at the Royal Fortress [Memphisj, to the north 'Of the land to which he had come [Abydos].21. In the light of what we now know it is hard to-imagine that the reference to Osiris coming 'into the earth' (or down to earth?) could signify anything other than the physical construction of the body of Osiris on the ground' on the west banks of the Nile - in the form of the great Pyramid-fields of the sprawling Memphite necropolis. Since Osiris is Orion the desire to achieve such an effect would more than adequately explain why the, three Pyramids of Giza should have been arranged in the pattern of.the three stars of Orion's belt. Moreover, since we know that the stated goal of the Horus-King's quest was not only to find the astral 'body' of Osiris but to find it as it was in the 'First Time', we should not be .surprised by the fact that the Pyramids, as we saw in Part I, are set out on the ground in the pattern /Page246/that they made at the beginning (i.e. 'southernmost point') of that constellation's upward (i.e. 'northerly') precessional half-cycle. So we wonder whether it is possible that the quest of the Horus King might have had as its ultimate objective the acquisition of knowledge concerning the 'First Time' - perhaps even the acquisition of specific knowledge from that remote epoch when the gods had walked the earth? Several passages in the Pyramid Texts invite such speculation, For example, we.are told that the Horus-King must 'travel upstream' - i.e. must push against the natural drift of 'time' - in order to reach Orion-Osiris in his proper 'First Time' setting: Betake yourself to the Waterway, fare upstream [south], travel about Abydos ill this spirit-form of yours which the gods command to belong to you; may a stairway I road] to the Duat be set up for you to the Place Where Orion Is _ . . . 22 They have found Osiris ... 'When his name became Sokar' [Memphite necropolis).. :. Wake up [Osiris] for Horus . . . raise yourself . .. fare southward [upstream] to the lake, cross over the sea [sky'], for you are he-who stands untiring in the midst of Abydos ... 23 Betake 'yourself to- the Waterway, fare upstream . . .traverse Abydos. The celestial portal to the Horizon is open to you ... may you remove yourself to the sky, for the roads of the celestial expanses which lead up to Horus are cleaned for you . . . for you have traversed. the Winding Waterway [Milky Way] which is in the north of the sky as a star crossing the sea which is beneath the sky _ The Duat has grasped your hand at the Place Where Orion Is . . . 24 Likewise there is a striking passage in the Coffin Texts which refers to some secret 'spell-or formula to allow the deceased' to use the 'path of Rostau' on the land-and in the sky (i.e. the path to the. Giza necropolis on land and to Orion's belt in the sky) in order to 'go down to any sky he wishes to go down to' . . . 26 I have passed on the path of Rostau, whether on water or on land, and these are the paths of Osiris [Orion], they are in the limit of the sky: As for him who knows the spell [formula] for going down into them, he himself is a god in the suite of Thoth [meaning he is as wise as Thoth, 'the controller of the stars'"] [and] he will go down-to any sky he wishes to go down to . . . 26 Page 247 Special numbers We suspect that the phrase to 'go down to any sky' suggests an awareness - and recording - of precessionally induced changes in the positions of the stars over long "periods of time. And we also note its implication that if the chosen initiate was equipped with the correct numerical spell then he would be able to work out - and visualize the correct positions of the stars in any epoch of his choosing, past or future. Once again Sellers stands out amongst Egyptologists for being the first to have entertained such apparently outlandish notions. 'It is possible', she writes, 'that early man encoded in his myths special numbers; numbers that seemed to reveal to initiates an amazing knowledge of the movement of the celestial spheres.' 27· Such numbers, she argues, appear to have been derived from a sustained, scientific study of the cycle of precession and a measurement of its rate and, puzzlingly, turn out to be extremely 'close to the calculations made with today's sophisticated procedures'. Intriguingly, too, there is evidence not only 'that these calculations were made, and conclusions drawn', but.alsothat'they were transmitted to others by secret encoding that was accessible only to an elite few':28 In short, Sellers concludes, 'ancient man Calculated a special number that he believed would bring this threatening cycle [of precession] back to its starting point .. .' 29 The 'special number' to which Sellers is referring to is 25,920 (and multiples and divisions of it) and thus represents the duration, in solar years, of a full precessional cycle or 'Great Year'.30 She shows how it can be derived from a variety of simple combinations of other numbers - 5, 12, 36, 72, 360, 432, 2160, etc., etc. - all of which are in turn derived from precise observations of precession. Most crucially of all, she shows that this peculiar sequence of numbers occurs in the ancient Egyptian myth of Osiris where, notably '72 conspirators' are said to have been-involved with Seth in the murder of the God-King.3' As was shown in Fingerprints of the Gods; the sun's perceived motion through the signs of the zodiac at the vernal equinox proceeds at the rate of one degree every seventy-two years. From this it follows that a movement of the vernal point through 30 degrees will take 2I60 /Page 248/ years to complete, 60 degrees will take 4320 years, and a full 360- degree cycle will require 25,920 years." Curiously enough, as the reader will recall from Part I, the Great Pyramid itself incorporates a record of these precessional numbers - since its key dimensions (its height and the perimeter of its base) appear to have been designed as a mathematical model of the earth's polar radius and equatorial circumference on a scale of 1:43,200. The number 43,200 is, of course, exactly 600 times 72. What we have in - this remarkable monument, therefore, is not just a scale model of a hemisphere of the earth but also one in which the scale involved incorporates a 'special number' derived from one of the key planetary motions of the earth itself - i.e. the rate of its axial precession. In short it seems that secret knowledge is indeed available in the myth of Osiris and in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid. With this secret knowledge, If we wanted to fix a specific date- say 1008 years in the future - and communicateit to other initiates, then we could do so with the special number' 14 (72 x l4 = I008).We would also have to specify the 'zero point' from which they were to make their calculations - i.e the present epoch - and this might be done with some kind of symbolic or mathematical marker to indicate where the vernal point presently is, i.e. moving out.of Pisces and into Aquarius. A similar exercise could likewise be carried out in reverse. By following the 'eastwards' direction along the ecliptic path we can 'find' (calculate, work out) where the vernal point was at any epoch in the past. Thus if today we wished to use the precessional code to direct attention towards the Pyramid' Age we would need to confide to other initiates the 'special number' of 62.5 (72 x 62.5 = 4500 years ago = approximately 2500 BC). Again, we could rule out any ambiguity as to the zero date from which the calculations were to be made if we could find a way to indicate the present position of the vernal point. We have seen that this is what Sneferu appears to have done with the two Pyramids at Dahshur, which map the two sides of the head of the celestial bull - the 'address' of the vernal point in his epoch. And in a sense, though with a great deal more specificity and precision, this could also be exactly what the builders of the Great Pyramid were doing when they deliberately targeted the southern shafts of the King's and Queen's Chambers on the meridian-transits of such /Page 249/ significant stars as Orion and Sirius in the epoch of 2500 BC.To be clear about this, it seems to us well worth investigating the possibility, that by setting up such obvious and precise 'time markers' they. were trying to provide an unambiguous zero point - circa 2500 BC .; for calculations that could only be undertaken by initiates steeped in the mysteries of precession, who were equipped by their training to draw out the hidden portents concealed in certain 'special numbers'. We note in passing' that if the Horus-King could have' been provided with the 'special number' III.III, and had used it in the way described above; it would have led him back to (72 x III.III years =) 7,999.99 years before the specified 'ground zero', i.e. to almost exactly 8000 years before 2500 BC - in short, to 10,500 BC . We know this seems like wishful numerology of the worst sort - i.e, 'factoring in' an arbitrary.value to a set of calculations so as to procure - spurious 'corroboration' for a specific 'desired date (in 'this case the date of 10,500 BC, twelve and a half thousand years before the present, that we have already highlighted in Chapter 3 in connection with the Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza). The problem, however, is tliat the number III.III may well not be anarbitrary value . At any rate, it has long been recognized that the main numerical factor in the design of the Great Pyramid, and indeed of the Giza necropolis as a whole, is the prime number II - a prime number being one that is only divisible by itself to produce the whole number I. Thus II .divided by II, i.e. the ratio II:II, produces the whole number I (while II divided by anything else," i.e. any other ratio, would, of neccessity, generate a fraction). What is intriguing is the way that the architecture of the Great Pyramid responds to the number rr when it is divided, or multiplied, by other whole numbers. The reader will recall, for example, that its side length of just over 755 feet is equivalent to 440 Egyptian royal cubits - i.e. II times 40 cubits." In addition, its height-to-base ratio is , 7:II.34 The slope ratio of its sides is 14:11 (tan 51 degrees 50').35 And the slope ratio of the southern shaft of the King's Chamber - the shaft that was targeted on Orion's belt in ,2500 BC - is II:II (tan 45 degrees)." Arguably, therefore, the ratio II:II, which integrates with our /Page 250/ 'special number' III.III, could be considered as a sort of mathemati cal key, or 'stargate' to Orion's belt, Moreover,as"we shall see, a movement of III.III degrees 'backwards 'along the ecliptic from 'ground-zero' at the Hyades-Taurus, the head of the celestial bull, would place the vernal point 'underneath' the cosmic lion. Is it not precisely such a location, underneath the Great Sphinx, that the Horus-King is urged to investigate as he stands between its paws 'with his mouth equipped' and faces the questions of the Akhus whose initiations have led' him this far? Indeed, does it not seem probable that the 'quest-journey' devised by the 'Followers of 'Horus' was carefully structured so as to sharpen the mind of the initiate by requiring him to piece together all the clues himself until he finally arrived at the-realization that somewhere underneath the Great Sphinx of Giza was something,(written or pictorial records, artefacts, maps.astronomical charts) that touched on 'the knowledge of a divine origin', that was of 'irnmense importance, and that had been concealed there since the 'First Time'? ,In consideririg such questions, we are reminded of the Hermetic doctrines which transmit a tradition of the wisdom god Thoth who was said to have 'succeeded in understanding the mysteries of the heavens [and to have] revealed them by inscribing them-in sacred books' which he "then hid here on earth, intending that: they should be searched for by future generations but "found only by the fully worthy'37 Do the 'sacred books of 'Thoth', or their equivalent, still lie in the bedrock beneath the Great Sphinx of Giza, and do the 'fuIly worthy' still seek them there? Seekers after truth Other questions, too, have been raised implicitly and explicitly in the foregoing chapters: I Were the Great Sphinx and the great Pyramids of Giza designed to serve as parts of-an immense three-dimensional 'model' of the sky of the 'First Time'? 2 Could other features of the necropolis also be part of this model? 3 If so, then has enough survived for us to compare the model with computer simulations of the skies above Giza in previous epochs /Page 251/ and thus. arrive at an accurate archaeoastronomical dating for the 'First Time', i.e. for.the true .'genesis'of the extraordinary civilization of Egypt? By looking at-simulations of the ancient skies would we not, to use the language of the Egyptian funerary texts, be 'going down to any sky we wished to go down to'? , Is it an accident that so many of these iexts~have survived for thousands of years, or could their compilers have intended them to survive and carefully designed them in such a way that human nature would ensure their copying and recopying down the ages (a process that has been promiscuously resumed 'in the last century and.a half since the decipherment of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, with the Coffin Texts, the Pyramid Texts, the Book of the Dead, etc., etc., now translated and reprinted in dozens of modern languages and editions - and even available on CD-ROM)? 6 In other words, is it not possible in our readingsof the texts, in our analysis of the rituals to which they were linked, that. we have stumbled upon a message of primordial antiquity that was composed not: just for the Pyramid Age, and not just for the Horns-Kings of ancient Egypt, but for all 'seekers after the truth' from any culture, in any epoch, who might-be 'equipped' to put texts and monuments together and to view the skies of former times? Page 252 (number omitted) Chapter 16 Message in a Bottle? 'We have reached this fascinating point in our evolution. . . we have reached the time when we know we can talk to each other across the distances between 'the stars . . . ' Dr John Billingham, NASA Ames Research Center, 1995 Together with the ancient-texts and rituals that are linked to them, could the vast monuments of the Giza necropolis have been designed to transmit a message from one culture to another - a message not across space but across time? Egyptologists reply to-such questions by rolling their eyes and hooting derisively. Indeed they would not be 'Egyptologists' (or at any rate they could not long remain within that profession) if they reacted with anything other than scorn and disbelief to suggestions that the necropolis might be more than a cemetery, that the Great Sphinx might significantly predate the epoch of 2500 BC, and that the Pyramids might not be just 'royal tombs'. By the same token, no selfrespecting Egyptologist 'would be prepared to consider, even for a moment, the outlandish possibility that some sort of mysterious 'message" might have been encoded into the monuments. So whom should we turn to for advice when confronted by what we suspect may be a message from a civilization so far distant from us in time as to be almost unknowable? . Anti-cipher The only scientists actively working on such problems today are those involved in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligencec- SETI for /Page253/ short . They endlessly sweep the heavens.for messages from distant civilizations and they have therefore naturally had to give some thought to what might happen if they ever did identify such, a message. According to Dr Philip Morisson of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology: To begin with we would know very.little about it. If we received it we would not understand what we're getting. But we would have an unmistakable signal full of structure, full of challenge. The best people would try to decode it, and it will be easy to do because those who have constructed it would have made it easy to decode, otherwise there's no point. This is anti-cryptography: 'I want to make a message for you, who never got in touch with any symbols of mine. no key no clue, nevertheless you'll be able to read it . . .' I would haveto fill it full of clues and unmistakable clever devices. . . 1 In his book, Cosmos, Professor Carl Sagan of Cornell Universersity rnakes much the same point - and does so, curiously enough, with reference to the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic system. He explains that the 'Egyptian hieroglyphics are, in significant part a simple substitution cipher. But not every hieroglyphic is a letter or symbol. Some are pictographs . . .' When it comes to transition, this 'mix of letters and pictographs caused some grief for interpreters . . .' In the early nineteenth century, however, a breakthrough was made by the French scholar Champollion who deciphered the famous 'Rosetta Stone', a slab of black basalt bearing identical inscriptions in Egyptian hieroglyphics and in Greek. Since Champollion could read the Greek, all he needed was some kind of 'key' to relate specific hieroglyphs to specific Greek words or letters. This key was provided by the constant repetition in the Greek text of the name of Pharaoh Ptolemy V and an equal number of repetitIons in the Egyptian text of a distinctive oblong enclosure - known as a cartouche containing a repeated group of hieroglyphs. As Sagan comments: The cartouches were the key . . . almost as though the Pharaohs of Egypt had circled their own names to make the going easier for Egyptologists two thousand years in the future. . . What a joy it must have been [for Champollion] to open this one-way communication channel with another civilization, to permit-a culture that had been /Page 254/ mute for millennia to speak of its history, magic, medicine, religion, politics and philosophy.2 Professor Sagan then offers a comparison that is highly apposite to our present inquiry. 'Today,' he says: we are again seeking messages from an ancient and exotic civilization, this time hidden from us not only in time, but in space. If we should receive a radio message from an extraterrestrial civilization, how could it possibly be understood. Extraterrestrial intelligence will be elegant, complex, internally consistent and utterly alien. Extraterrestrials would, of course, wish to make a message sent to us as comprehensible as possible. But how could they? Is there in any sense an interstellar Rosetta Stone? We :believe there is a common language that all technical civilizations, no matter how .different, must have. That common language is science and mathematics, The laws of Nature are the same everywhere? It seems to us that if there is indeed a very ancient 'message' at Giza then it is likely to be expressed in the language of science and mathematics that Sagan identifies - and for the same reason. Moreover, given its need to continue 'transmitting' coherently across thousands of years (and chasms of cultural change), we think that the composer of such a message would be likely to make use of the Precession of the Equinoxes, the one particular 'law of Nature' that can be said to govern, and measure - and identify - long periods of terrestrial time. Durable vehicles The Pyramids and the Great Sphinx at Giza are, above all else, as elegant, as complex, as internally consistent and as utterly 'alien' as the extraterrestrial intelligence that Sagan envisages (alien in the sense of the tremendous, almost superhuman scale of these structures and of their uncanny - and in our terms apparently unnecessary precision). Moreover, returning briefly to Dr Philip Morisson's remarks quoted earlier, we think that the Giza necropolis also qualifies rather. well for the description 'packed full of clues and unmistakable clever devices'.4 Indeed, it seems to us that a truly astonishing quantum of /Page 255/ ingenuity was invested by the Pyramid builders to ensure that the four fundamental aspects of an 'unmistakable' message were thoroughly elaborated .here: I the creation of durable, unequivocal markers which could serve as beacons.to-inflame the curiosity and-engage the intelligence of future generations of seekers; 2 the use of the 'cominon language' of precessiona astronomy; 3 the use of precessional co-ordinates to signal specific timereferents linking past to present and present to-future; 4 Cunningly. concealed store-rooms-or 'Halls of Records' that could only be found and entered by those who were fully initiated in the 'silent language' and thus could read and follow its clues. In addition, though the monuments are enabled to 'speak' from the moment that their astronomical context.is understood, we have also to consider the amazing profusion of funerary texts that have come down to us from all periods of Egyptian history - all apparently emanating from the same very few common sources.5 As we have seen, these texts operate like 'software' to the monuments' 'hardware', charting the route that the Horus-King (and all other future seekers) must.follow, We recall a remark made by Giorgio de .Santillana and Hertha von Dechend in Hamlet's Mill to the effect that the'great strength of myths as vehicles for specific technical information is that they are capable of transmitting that information independently of the knowledge of individual-story-tellers.6 In other words-as long as a myth continues be told true, it will also continue to transmit any higher message that may-be concealed within its structure - even if neither the teller or the.hearer understands that message. So, too we suspect, with the ancient Egyptian funerary texts. We would-be surprised if the owners of'many of the coffins and tomb walls onto-which they were copied-had even, the faintest inkling that specific astronomical observations and directions were being duplicated at their expense. What motivated. them was precisely what the texts offered - the lure of immortal life. Yet by taking that lure did they inot-in fact guarantee a kind-of immortality for the textss themelves? Did they not ensure that so many faithful copies would /Page 256/ be made that some at least would-be bound to survive for many thousands of years? We think that there were always people who understood the true 'science of immortality' connected to the texts, and who were able to read the astronomical allegories in which deeper secrets, not granted to the common herd, lay concealed. We presume that these people were once' called the 'Followers of Horus', that they operated as an invisible college behind the scenes in Egyptian prehistory and history, that their primary cult centre was at Giza-Heliopolis, and that they were responsible for the initiation of kings and the realization of blueprints. We also think that the timetables they worked to - and almost everything of significance that they did - was in one way or another written in the stars. Hints and memories The powerfully astronomical character of the" Giza necropolis, although ignored by Egyptologists, has been recognized by openminded and intuitive researchers throughout history. The Hermetic Neoplatonists of Alexandria, for example, appear to have been acutely sensitive to the possibility of a 'message' and were quick to discern the strong astral qualities of the textual material and the monuments.' The scholar Proclus (fifth century AD) also acknowledged that the Great Pyramid was astronomically designed - and with certain specific stars in mind. Indeed, in his commentary on Plato's Timaeus (which deals with the story of the lost civilization of 'Atlantis'), Proclus reported strangely that 'the Great Pyramid was used as an observation for Sirius'." Vague memories of an astronomically constructed 'message' at Giza appear to have filtered down to the Middle Ages. At any rate the Arab chroniclers in this period spoke of the Great Pyramid as 'a temple to the stars'. . ." Page 278 Treasure map We said earlier that in the architectural-astronomical system of the Pyramid builders the position of the vernal point along the ecliptic which denoted the 'Splendid Place of the "First Time'" was considered to be 'controlled' by the position of Osiris-Orion at the meridian: 'slide' Orion's belt up from its location at 2500 BC and the vernal point is 'pushed' westwards around the ecliptic (and forward in time) in the direction Taurus -) Aries Pices - Aquarius; 'slide' it down and the vernal point is pushed 'east', i.e. back in time, in the direction Taurus - Gemini - Cancer - Leo. So in 10,500 BC, with the belt stars fully 'slid down' to their lowest possible altitude above the horizon, how far around the ecliptic has the vernal point been 'pushed? We know it is in Leo. But where in Leo? Computer simulations show that it lay exactly III. III degrees east. of the station that it had occupied at 2500 BC. Then it had been at the head of the Hyades- Taurus close to the right bank of the Milky Way; 8000 years earlier it lay directly under the rear paws of the constellation-of Leo. As we have hinted, this is a location that is likely to have a terrestrial 'double'. The three stars of Orion's belt have their terrestrial doubles in the form of the three Great Pyramids. The constellation of Leo Horakhti has its terrestrial double in the form of Hor-em-Akhet, ie.. the Great Sphinx. The 'Horizon of the Sky' has its terrestrial double in the form of the 'Horizon of Giza'. And the Great Sphinx crouches literally within this 'Horizon'. Page 279 It was to the breast of the Great Sphinx, at the summer solstice in the Pyramid Age, that the quest of the Horus-King led. There he encountered the Akhus: 'How has this happened to you', say they, the Akhus with their mouth equipped, 'that you have come to this place more noble than any other place?' 'I have come . . . because the reed floars.of the sky were set down for Re [the sun-disc and cosmic 'double' of the Horus King] that Re might cross [the Milky Way] on them to Horakhti at the Horizon' 18 In other words, the Horus-King has successfully understood and used the clues provided in the ritual. He has noted and followed the path of the sun during the solar year from its starting point - designated in the texts as being beside the Hyades-Taurus, i.e. 'Bull of the Sky' - and thence across the MilkyWay until the moment of its conjunction with Regulus, the heart-star of Leo. He has then taken this celestial treasure map, transposed its co-ordinates to the ground, made his way across the River Nile and ascended to the Giza plateau, coming eventually to the breast of the Sphinx. We think that he received there the necessary clues or instructions to find the entrance to the terrestrial Duat, to tlie 'Kingdom of Osiris' on the ground - in short to the 'Splendid Place of the "First Time" ' where he would have to go in order to complete his quest. And we suggest that these clues were designed to encourage him to track the vemal point, just as we have done, to the location that it would have occupied in 10,500 BC when Orion's belt had reached the lowest point - its precessional cycle. In other words it is our hypothesis that the Giza monuments, the past, present and future skies that lie above them, and the ancient funerary texts that interlink them, convey the lineaments of a message. In attempting to read this message we have done no more than follow the initiation 'journey' of the Horus-Kings of Egypt. And the ancient Horus-Kings we, too, have arrived at a most intriguing crossroad. The trail of initiation has guided us, directed us finally lured us to stand in front of the Great Sphinx and, like Oedipus, to confront the ultimate riddles: 'Where did we come from?'Where are we to go to?' Page 283 (number omitted) Conclusion Return to the Beginning I stand before the masters who witnessed. the genesis, 'who were the authors of their own forms, who walked the dark, circuitous passages of their own becoming ... I stand before the masters who witnessed the transformation of the body of a man into the body in spirit, who were witnesses to resurrection when the corpse of Osiris entered the mountain and the soul of Osiris walked out shining . . . when he came forth from death, a shining thing, his face white with heat . . . I stand before the masters who know the histories of the dead, who decide which tales to hear again, who judge, the books of lives as either full or empty, who are themselves authors of truth. And they are Isis and Osiris, the divine intelligences. And when the story is written and the end is good and the soul of a man is perfected, with a shout they lift him into heaven . . .' Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead (Normandi Ellis translation) The dictionary tells us that, separately from its modern usage the word, 'glamour' has a traditional meaning roughly equivalent to 'magic.spell or 'charm', and is the Old Scottish variant of: 'grammar . . . hence a magic spell, because occult 'practices were popularly associated with learning.' Is it possible that men and women of great wisdom and learning cast a 'glamour' over the Giza necropolis at some. point in the distant / Page 284/ past? Were they the possessors of as yet unguessed-at secrets that they wished to hide here? And did they succeed in concealing those secrets almost in plain view? For thousands of years, in other words, has the ancient Egyptian royal cemetary at Giza veiled the presence of something else - something of vastly greater significance for the story of Mankind? One thing we are sure of is that unlike the hundreds of Fourth Dynasty mastaba tombs to the west of the Sphinx and clustered around the three great Pyramids, the Pyramids themselves were never designed to serve primarily as burial places. We do not rule out the possibility that the Pharaohs Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure may at one time have- been buried within them - although there is no evidence for this - but we are- now satisfied. that the transcendent effort and skill that went into the construction of these awe-inspiring monuments was motivated by a higher purpose. We think that purpose was connected to the quest for eternal life wrapped up in a complete religious and spiritual system that the ancient Egyptians inherited from unknown predecessors and that they later codified in -their eerie and other-worldly funerary and rebirth texts. We suggest, in short, that it was the goal of immortality , not just for one Pharaoh but for many, that the corridors and passages and hidden chambers and concealed gates.and doorways of the Giza complex were ultimatelydesigned to serve. Depicted in the Book of What is in the Duat as being filled with monsters, these narrow, claustrophobic, terrifying places, hemmed in on all sides by sheer stone walls, were in our view conceived as the ultimate testing ground for initiates. Here they would be forced to face and overcome their most horrible and debilitating fears. Here they would pass through unimaginable ordeals of the spirit and the mind. Here they would learn esoteric wisdom through acts of concentrated intelligence and will. Here they would be prepared, through practice and experience, for the moment of physical death and for the nightmares that would follow it, so that these transitions would not confuse or paralyse them - as they might other, unprepared, souls - and so that they might become 'equipped spirits' able to move as they wished through heaven and earth, 'unfailingly, and regularly and eternally'.1 Such was the lofty goal of the Hems-King's quest and the ancient /Page 285/ Egyptians clearly believed that in order to attain it the initiate would have to participate in the discovery, the unveiling, the revelation, of something of momentous importance - something that would bestow wisdom, and knowledge of the 'First Time', and of the mysteries of the cosmos, and of' Osiris, the Once and Future King. We are therefore reminded of a Hermetic Text, written in Greek but compiled in Alexandria in Egypt some 2000 years ago, that is known as the Kore Kosmu (or Virgin of the World).2 Like other such writings, this text speaks of' Thoth, the ancient Egyptian wisdom-god, but refers to him by his Greek name, Hermes: Such was all-knowing. Hermes,who saw all things, and seeing understood, and understanding had the power both to disclose and to give explanation. For what he knew .he graved on.stone; yet though.he graved them onto stone he hid them mostly . . . The sacred symbols of the cosmic .elements [he] hid. away hard by the secrets of Osiris . . . keeping sure silence, that every younger age of cosmic.time might seek for them..3 The text then tells us that before he retumed to Heaven' Hermes invoked .a spell on the secret writings and knowledge that he had hidden: O holy books, who have been made by my immortal hands, by incorruption's magic spells . . . free from decay throughout eternity remain, and incorrupt from time. Become unseeable, unfindable, for every one whose foot shall tread the plains of this land, until Old Heaven doth bring forth meet instruments for you . . .4 What instruments might lead to the recovery of, 'unseeable and unfindable' secrets concealed at Giza? Our research has persuaded us that a scientific language of processional time and allegorical astronomy was deliberately expressed in the principal monuments there and in the texts that relate to them. From quite an early stage in our investigation, - we hoped that this language might shed new light on the enigmatic civilization of Egypt. We did not at first suspect, however, that it would-also turn out to encode specific celestial co-ordinates or that . . . these. would. transpose onto the ground in the form of an arcane /Page 286/ 'treasure map', directing the attention of seekers to a precise location in the bedrock deep beneath the Sphinx. Nor did we suspect, until we met them, that others such as the Edgar Cayce Foundation and the Stanford Research Institute - see Part II - might already.he looking there. Osiris breathes Throughout this investigation we have tried to stick to the facts, even when the facts have been very strange. When we say that the Sphinx, the three Great Pyramids, the causeways and other associated monuments of the Giza necropolis form a huge diagram we are simply reporting a fact. When we say that this diagram depicts the skies above Giza in 10,500 BC we.are reporting a fact. When we say that the Sphinx bears erosion marks which indicate that itr was carved before the Sahara became a desert we are reporting a fact. When we say that the ancient Egyptians attributed their civilization to 'the gods' and to the 'Followers of Horus' we are reporting facts. When we say that these divine and human,civilizers' were remembered as having come to the Nile Valley in Zep Tep - the 'First Time' - we are reporting a fact. When we say that the ancient Egyptian records tell us this 'First Time' was an epoch in the past were thousands of years before the era of the Pharaohs\we are repotrtin a fact: Our ciivilization has had the scientific wherewithal to get. to grips with the many problems of the Giza necropolis for less than two centuries, and it is only in the last two decades that computer technology has made it possible for us to reconstruct the ancient skies and see the patterns and conjunctions that unfolded there. During this period access to the site, and knowledge about it, has been monopolized. by members of the archaeological and Egyptological professions who have agreed amongst themselves as to the origin, and age, and function of the monuments. New evidence which does not support this scholarly consensus, and which might actively undermine it, has again and again been overlooked, or sidelined,and sometimes even deliberately concealed from the public. This; we assume, is why everything to do with the shafts of'the Great Pyramid /Page 287/ their stellar alignments, the iron plate, the relics, and the discovery - of the' door' - has met with such peculiar and inappropriate responses from Egyptologists and. archaeologists. And. we assume that-. it explains, too, why the same scholars have paid such scant attention to the solid case that geologists have made for the vast antiquity of the Sphinx.5 The Giza monuments are a legacy for Mankind, preserved almost intact over thousands of years, and, outside the privileged circles of, Egyptology and archaeology, there is today a broad-based expectation that they .might be about to reveal a remarkable secret. That expectation may or may not prove to be correct. Nevertheless in an intellectual culture polarized by public anticipation and orthodox reaction, we feel it is only wise that, future explorations at the necropolis should be conducted with complete 'transparency' and accountability. In particular the opening of the 'door' inside the southern shaft of the Queen's Chamber, the videoscopic examination of the northem shaft, and any further remote-sensing: surveys conducted around the Sphinx, should. be carried out under the scrutiny of the international mass media and should not be subjected to bizarre and inexplicable delays. We cannot predict what new discoveries will be made by such research, or even whether any new discoveries will be made. However, after completing our own archaeoastronomical investigation, and following the quest of the Horus-King, we are left with an enhanced sense of the tremendous mystery of this amazing site - a sense that its true story has only just begun to be told. Looking at the awe-inspiring scale and precision of the monuments we.feel, too, that the purpose of the ancient master-builders was sublime, and that they did indeed find a way to initiate those who would come after thousands of years in the future - by making. use of the universal language of the stars. They found a way to send a message across the ages in a code so simple and so self-explanatory that it might rightly be described as an anti-cipher. Perhaps the time has come to listen to that clear, compelling signal that beckons to us out of the darkness of prehistory. Perhaps the time /Page 288 / has come to -seek- the buried treasure of our forgotten genesis and destiny: Stars fade like memory-the instant before dawn. Low-in the east the sun appears, golden as an opening eye, That which can be named must exist. That which is named can be written. That which is written.shall be remembered. That which is remembered lives. In the land of Egypt Osiris breathes. The dictionary tells us that, separately from its modern usage the word, 'glamour' has a traditional meaning roughly equivalent to 'magic.spell or 'charm', and is the Old Scottish variant of: 'grammar . . . hence a magic spell, because occult 'practices were popularly associated with learning.' Is it possible that men and women of great wisdom and learning cast a 'glamour' over the Giza necropolis at some. point in the distant / Page 284/ past? Were they the possessors of as yet unguessed-at secrets that they wished to hide here? And did they succeed in concealing those secrets almost in plain view? For thousands of years, in other words, has the ancient Egyptian royal cemetary at Giza veiled the presence of something else - something of vastly greater significance for the story of Mankind? One thing we are sure of is that unlike the hundreds of Fourth Dynasty mastaba tombs to the west of the Sphinx and clustered around the three great Pyramids, the Pyramids themselves were never designed to serve primarily as burial places. We do not rule out the possibility that the Pharaohs Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure may at one time have- been buried within them - although there is no evidence for this - but we are- now satisfied. that the transcendent effort and skill that went into the construction of these awe-inspiring monuments was motivated by a higher purpose. We think that purpose was connected to the quest for eternal life wrapped up in a complete religious and spiritual system that the ancient Egyptians inherited from unknown predecessors and that they later codified in -their eerie and other-worldly funerary and rebirth texts. We suggest, in short, that it was the goal of immortality , not just for one Pharaoh but for many, that the corridors and passages and hidden chambers and concealed gates.and doorways of the Giza complex were ultimatelydesigned to serve. Depicted in the Book of What is in the Duat as being filled with monsters, these narrow, claustrophobic, terrifying places, hemmed in on all sides by sheer stone walls, were in our view conceived as the ultimate testing ground for initiates. Here they would be forced to face and overcome their most horrible and debilitating fears. Here they would pass through unimaginable ordeals of the spirit and the mind. Here they would learn esoteric wisdom through acts of concentrated intelligence and will. Here they would be prepared, through practice and experience, for the moment of physical death and for the nightmares that would follow it, so that these transitions would not confuse or paralyse them - as they might other, unprepared, souls - and so that they might become 'equipped spirits' able to move as they wished through heaven and earth, 'unfailingly, and regularly and eternally'.1 Such was the lofty goal of the Hems-King's quest and the ancient /Page 285/ Egyptians clearly believed that in order to attain it the initiate would have to participate in the discovery, the unveiling, the revelation, of something of momentous importance - something that would bestow wisdom, and knowledge of the 'First Time', and of the mysteries of the cosmos, and of' Osiris, the Once and Future King. We are therefore reminded of a Hermetic Text, written in Greek but compiled in Alexandria in Egypt some 2000 years ago, that is known as the Kore Kosmu (or Virgin of the World).2 Like other such writings, this text speaks of' Thoth, the ancient Egyptian wisdom-god, but refers to him by his Greek name, Hermes: Such was all-knowing. Hermes,who saw all things, and seeing understood, and understanding had the power both to disclose and to give explanation. For what he knew .he graved on.stone; yet though.he graved them onto stone he hid them mostly . . . The sacred symbols of the cosmic .elements [he] hid. away hard by the secrets of Osiris . . . keeping sure silence, that every younger age of cosmic.time might seek for them..3 The text then tells us that before he retumed to Heaven' Hermes invoked .a spell on the secret writings and knowledge that he had hidden: O holy books, who have been made by my immortal hands, by incorruption's magic spells . . . free from decay throughout eternity remain, and incorrupt from time. Become unseeable, unfindable, for every one whose foot shall tread the plains of this land, until Old Heaven doth bring forth meet instruments for you . . .4 What instruments might lead to the recovery of, 'unseeable and unfindable' secrets concealed at Giza? Our research has persuaded us that a scientific language of processional time and allegorical astronomy was deliberately expressed in the principal monuments there and in the texts that relate to them. From quite an early stage in our investigation, - we hoped that this language might shed new light on the enigmatic civilization of Egypt. We did not at first suspect, however, that it would-also turn out to encode specific celestial co-ordinates or that . . . these. would. transpose onto the ground in the form of an arcane /Page 286/ 'treasure map', directing the attention of seekers to a precise location in the bedrock deep beneath the Sphinx. Nor did we suspect, until we met them, that others such as the Edgar Cayce Foundation and the Stanford Research Institute - see Part II - might already.he looking there. Osiris breathes Throughout this investigation we have tried to stick to the facts, even when the facts have been very strange. When we say that the Sphinx, the three Great Pyramids, the causeways and other associated monuments of the Giza necropolis form a huge diagram we are simply reporting a fact. When we say that this diagram depicts the skies above Giza in 10,500 BC we.are reporting a fact. When we say that the Sphinx bears erosion marks which indicate that itr was carved before the Sahara became a desert we are reporting a fact. When we say that the ancient Egyptians attributed their civilization to 'the gods' and to the 'Followers of Horus' we are reporting facts. When we say that these divine and human,civilizers' were remembered as having come to the Nile Valley in Zep Tep - the 'First Time' - we are reporting a fact. When we say that the ancient Egyptian records tell us this 'First Time' was an epoch in the past were thousands of years before the era of the Pharaohs\we are repotrtin a fact: Our ciivilization has had the scientific wherewithal to get. to grips with the many problems of the Giza necropolis for less than two centuries, and it is only in the last two decades that computer technology has made it possible for us to reconstruct the ancient skies and see the patterns and conjunctions that unfolded there. During this period access to the site, and knowledge about it, has been monopolized. by members of the archaeological and Egyptological professions who have agreed amongst themselves as to the origin, and age, and function of the monuments. New evidence which does not support this scholarly consensus, and which might actively undermine it, has again and again been overlooked, or sidelined,and sometimes even deliberately concealed from the public. This; we assume, is why everything to do with the shafts of'the Great Pyramid /Page 287/ their stellar alignments, the iron plate, the relics, and the discovery - of the' door' - has met with such peculiar and inappropriate responses from Egyptologists and. archaeologists. And. we assume that-. it explains, too, why the same scholars have paid such scant attention to the solid case that geologists have made for the vast antiquity of the Sphinx.5 The Giza monuments are a legacy for Mankind, preserved almost intact over thousands of years, and, outside the privileged circles of, Egyptology and archaeology, there is today a broad-based expectation that they .might be about to reveal a remarkable secret. That expectation may or may not prove to be correct. Nevertheless in an intellectual culture polarized by public anticipation and orthodox reaction, we feel it is only wise that, future explorations at the necropolis should be conducted with complete 'transparency' and accountability. In particular the opening of the 'door' inside the southern shaft of the Queen's Chamber, the videoscopic examination of the northem shaft, and any further remote-sensing: surveys conducted around the Sphinx, should. be carried out under the scrutiny of the international mass media and should not be subjected to bizarre and inexplicable delays. We cannot predict what new discoveries will be made by such research, or even whether any new discoveries will be made. However, after completing our own archaeoastronomical investigation, and following the quest of the Horus-King, we are left with an enhanced sense of the tremendous mystery of this amazing site - a sense that its true story has only just begun to be told. Looking at the awe-inspiring scale and precision of the monuments we.feel, too, that the purpose of the ancient master-builders was sublime, and that they did indeed find a way to initiate those who would come after thousands of years in the future - by making. use of the universal language of the stars. They found a way to send a message across the ages in a code so simple and so self-explanatory that it might rightly be described as an anti-cipher. Perhaps the time has come to listen to that clear, compelling signal that beckons to us out of the darkness of prehistory. Perhaps the time /Page 288 / has come to -seek- the buried treasure of our forgotten genesis and destiny: Stars fade like memory-the instant before dawn. Low-in the east the sun appears, golden as an opening eye, That which can be named must exist. That which is named can be written. That which is written.shall be remembered. That which is remembered lives. In the land of Egypt Osiris breathes.
THE SIRIUS MYSTERY Robert K.G..Temple 1976 Page 69 "Back to Anubis. Wallis Budge says of him:26 'His worship is very ancient, and there is no doubt that even in the earliest times his cult was general in Egypt; it is probable that it is older than that of Osiris.' Also he points out here, as elsewhere, that the face of the deceased human becomes identified with Anubis, and it is just the head of Anubis which is symbolically represented by the jackal or dog. I have already pointed out that he is described as the circle or orbit separating the dark Nephthys from the light Isis or Sirius. In other words, I take Anubis to represent the orbit of Sirius B around Sirius A. We also find him described as 'time',27 a particularly intelligent way of looking at an orbit as progressive and sequential in time. 'Time the devourer', a motif common to us all, is no stranger to the Egyptians. It should not surprise us that Anubis is also represented as a devourer! More specifically, he is accused of devouring the Apis bull. The Apis bull is the animal into which the dead Osiris was sewn and transported, according to a late legend which is widely known. But more basically, the 'Apis Bull' (the deity known under the Ptolemies as Serapis) is Asar-Hapi. It is Osiris himself! In The Gods of the Egyptians, we read 'Apis is called "the life of Osiris, the lord of heaven" ' and 'Apis was, in fact, believed to be animated by the soul of Osiris, and to be Osiris incarnate'. 28 Page 70 "He had a talent for befriending priests and priestesses. One of his best friends was the priestess Clea of the oracle at Delphi. His treatise 'Isis and Osiris' is dedicated to Clea and addressed to her. It begins with these words: 'All good things, my dear Clea, sensible men must ask from the gods; and especially do we pray that from those mighty gods we may, in our quest, gain a knowledge of themselves, so far as such a thing is attainable by men.' This gives some indication of what Plutarch was like as a man. Typhon, as has been said, is named Seth and Bebon and Smu, and these names would indicate some forcible and preventive check or opposition or reversal. The identification of Isis with Athena here in connection with lodestones and 'self-impelled motion' brings to mind the placing by Athena of a cybernetic* oak timber from the holy sanctuary of Dodona (supposedly founded by Deukalion, the Greek Noah, after his ark landed) in the keel of the Argo. H. W. Parke in his books Greek Oracles and The Oracles of Zeus refers to this: 'Athena when the Argo was built took a timber from the oak tree of Dodona (the oracular centre of Zeus) and fitted it into the keel. This had the result that the Argo itself could speak and guide or warn the Argonauts at critical moments, as it actually is represented as doing in our extant epics on the subject. The original epic is lost, but there is no reason to doubt that this miraculous feature went back to it, and, if so, was at least as old as the Odyssey in which the Argo and its story are mentioned.' Parke then emphasizes most strongly that it is the timber itself that acts as guide. It is self-sufficient and not merely an oracular medium. Thus we see that the Argo had a unique capacity for 'selfimpelled motion' which was built into it by Athena (whom Plutarch identifies with Isis). 35 For many years Egyptologists have been puzzled to explain why Imhotep, who lived in the days of King Zoser, ca. 2900 B.O., was not ranked among the full gods of Egypt until the Persian period, dating from 525 B.O. The apotheosis of a man, however distinguished, so many centuries after his life on earth seems mysterious. The explanation appears to be that first suggested by Erman, viz. that Imhotep, at any rate during a large part of the interval was regarded as a sort of hero or demigod and received semidivine worship. Erman suggested that this rank of demigod was bestowed / Page 76 / on him at the time of the New Kingdom, i.e. about 1580 B.C., but more recent evidence seems to indicate that this demigod stage was reached at a much earlier period. "Bearing these books in mind (and I am sure they are there waiting underground like a time bomb for us), it is interesting to read this passage in 'The Virgin of the World' following shortly upon that previously quoted: Page 72 Note "* Norbert Wiener in Cybernetics, the pioneer textbook of computer theory, said: 'We have decided to call the entire field of control and communication theory, whether in the machine or in the animal) by the name Cybernetics. . . (from the Greek for) steersman.'
www.startistics.com/ophiuchus/ophiuchus2.htm History of Ophiuchus - Asklepius - Imhotep "Aesclepius was, as I said earlier, a Greek whose attributes were nearly identical to those of Ancient Egyptian god of medicine I-Em-Hetep (whose name ... Aesclepius was, as I said earlier, a Greek deity whose attributeswere nearly identical to those of Ancient Egyptian god of medicine I-Em-Hetep (whose name translated means "He Who Cometh In Peace"). Now, in Egyptology, there are Gods (with a capital "G") and gods (with a small letter "g"), and I-Em-Hetep was a little bit of both, being both a contrived deity (man-made-god later) and a legitimate one, being the third member of the great triad of gods in Memphis, Egypt in or about 2900 B.C. where he probably lived as Imhotep, a mortal man at a later date (27th Century B.C.). He was in actual fact attached to the priesthood of RA, the Sun God, becoming the chief minister of the second king of the Egyptian Third Dynasty, Djoser (also spelled "Zoser"), for whom he bent his considerable skills as the innovative Master Architect who set the first profound standard of excellence in step pyramid building. He designed and built King Zoser's burial complex at Saqqara, Egypt between 2778-2723 B.C. The ZoserComplex stands today as a world monument to innovativearchitecture. Thus Imhotep's legend began to loom large locally. Imhotep the man received notoriety for his literary abilities which has earned him recognitionin modern times as "the first man of science in recorded history." As tales and evidence of Imhotep's accomplishments in Egypt spread to Greece, his legend began to loom so large there that he was brought to the City of Memphis, and adopted in the name of love as a son of Apollo, Greek God of the Sun. The Greeks erected a temple named "To Asklepjion" (Imhotep's Greek god name) in his honor some2500 years after his death."
Page 73 "Mead quotes an Egyptian magic papyrus, this being an uncontested Egyptian document which he compares to a passage in the Trismegistic literature: 'I invoke thee, Lady Isis, with whom the Good Daimon doth unite, He who is Lord in the perfect black. '37 Page 77 "Bearing these books in mind (and I am sure they are there waiting underground like a time bomb for us), it is interesting to read this passage in 'TheVirgin of the World' following shortly upon that previously quoted: Page 82 "We must note Stecchini's remarks about Delphi as follows :38 '(Men) will seek out. . . the inner nature of the holy spaces which no foot may tread, and will chase after them into the height, desiring to observe the nature of the motion of the Heaven.
The Astral Transition - Clues From Egypt and Siberia Suggest a Shamanic Experience in 2012! Ecdysone and the non-molecular body Dr. Charles Muses, who died last year (2000), suggests in his 1985 book The Lion Path , 1 that the Egyptians had developed a technology in which tones, lights and an as-yet unidentified plant are used, to “open a rusty valve”, or trigger the production of hormones similar to the ecdysone (ecdydsterone), produced by larval forms of insects, which allows the adult form to emerge. In this way, they would allow the gestation of a non-molecular body that would allow the survival of consciousness beyond physical death. Just as every chrysalis has embossed wings on it, so too, does every mummy case have folded wings on it. The process was started well before death, and completed during the 70-day embalming period, that was connected to the 70-day disappearance of Sirius. Muses, a mathematician, philosopher & computer scientist, was convinced that the synchronous perihelion (closest point of planetary orbit to the sun), of Pluto, with the periastron (closest approach of 2 stars to each other), of Sirius B and Sirius A, which both occurred in 1994, and only happen together every 90,000 years, allowed a flow of resonant energies, and the possibility of an evolutionary jump for those prepared to follow the clues left by the Egyptians. He produced a series of cassettes designed to be used at astrologically pre-determined times, while meditating, in order to produce “ the higher human analogue of the lepidopteran metamorphic hormone, ecdysterone”. This would then “activate certain genes whose functions would otherwise remain inaccessible”. The transformative energies would start slowing in January 1999, and stop by May 2000, and Muses says that those unable to complete their development before then, would have to “re-incarnate on the life-bearing planets of other solar systems that are on a later (and non-Plutonic), Meta-Cycle”. Shamanic Egyptians In Wm. R. Fix’s 1979 book Star Maps, 2 the author shows the correspondence between shamanic flight and the initiation rituals of Egypt. In the 4,300-year old Pyramid Texts, on the walls of the Pyramid of Unas, it is stated repeatedly that “He is not dead, this Unas is not dead”. In fact, Fix makes it plain that the reason why no bodies have ever been found in any pyramids – even those which were sealed – is because the pyramids were designed for initiation - to facilitate a OOBE or out-of-body-experience, in which the pharaoh would be gone for about 3 days, first orbiting the planet, and then going to the circumpolar stars, to become a purified spirit, (no wonder we call it astral projection!). Upon his return, Unas was told, “Put on thy body”. A Lapland shaman's drum shows the Axis Mundi uniting the 3 worlds. Another drum painting shows the axis pointing to the circumpolar stars. Shamans too, traditionally fly to the polar stars, and the Axis Mundi, or World Tree, which represents the earth axis, (and connects with the underworld below, and heaven above), is shown on some of their drums, as the route taken to the polar stars. Shamans usually employ drumming, fasting and power plants to access the other planes, and typically experience dis-memberment, where they are torn to pieces, then put back together again, as a kind of re-birth. This is exactly what happened to Osiris, when his brother Set (plus 72 conspirators), tricked Osiris into getting into a coffin, then threw it into the Nile. The coffin became embedded in a tamarisk tree, and was eventually used as a pillar in a palace. Isis found the coffin, and hid it, but Set discovered it, and cut Osiris into 14 pieces. With the help of Thoth, Isis found all the pieces except one – the phallus - and re-assembled Osiris. With Thoth’s magic, and a wooden phallus, Isis conceived Horus. Then Osiris ascended. Mystery religions These shamanic themes formed the Osiris cult, then found their way into other Mystery religions, such as the Greek Mysteries of Dionysus at Eleusis, Attis in Asia Minor, Bachus in Italy, and Mithras in Persia. They all involved a voluntary death, a flight from the body, a descent into the underworld, an ascent to heaven, then a resurrection. They also had a sacrament, which, in later versions was wine, but in the Mysteries of Mithras, “developed from older rites which used consecrated bread and water mixed with the intoxicating juice of a psychedelic plant called Haoma.” 3 The various cultures all adapted one of their gods to take on the role of the resurrecting god-man, but, when a Jewish sect wanted their own Mystery religion, it was a bit more difficult, since they only had one god, so they based the Mysteries around the figure of the Jewish Messiah. Freke and Gandy, in their book The Jesus Mysteries,4 have pointed out 30 correspondences between the Dionysus/Osiris Mysteries and Christianity. I have also found Mithraism/Christianity correspondences in Pears Cyclopedia: Dionysus/Osiris Mysteries Mithraism & Christianity (Jesus Mysteries by Freke & Gandy) (Pears Cyclopaedia)
1. Virgin birth 1.Miraculous birth 2. Born in cave on 25th December 2. 25th December birth of founder 3. Crucifixion (or stuck to/in a tree) 3. Death & glorious resurrection 4. Birth prophesied by star 4. Belief in Heaven & hell 5. 3 shepherds visited the birth 5. Immortality of the soul 6. Baptism 6. Last Judgement 7. Water into wine 7. Sunday as Holy day 8. Miracles 8. Celebration of Easter 9. Transfiguration 9. Use of bell, Holy Water & candle 10. 12 disciples 11. Eating of bread & wine (=flesh and blood) to commune with the god) 12. Death redeems sins of world 13. Descends into Hell & resurrects after 3 days 14. Ascends to Heaven to appear as judge at the end of time 15. 3 women followers visit empty tomb. Etc. etc.
These were the outer mysteries; the Gnostics retained the inner mysteries. Precession encoded Santillana and von Dechend, in their 1969 book, Hamlet’s Mill,5 have shown that there has been a knowledge of the Precession of the Equinoxes, for millennia, and that it has been encoded into mythology all over the world. This concerns the slow movement of the Earth axis in a circle, which takes about 26,000 years to complete. Plato called this the Great Year, of 25,920 years. The vernal (spring) equinox slowly moves through all 12 Zodiac constellations over the 25,920 years, until it comes back to its starting point. Actually, it is the background stars that are moving – the equinox stays in the same place. Each constellation takes 2,160 years to cross the equinoctial point, and it takes 72 years for each of the 360 degrees of the sky to rotate. The constellations also oscillate up and down over the precession. Robert Bauval and his co-authors 6 have shown that the Egyptians were measuring this movement from the First Time of Osiris, (Zep Tepi), which they put at 10,500 BC, when Orion was at its lowest point, to the Last Time of Osiris, which is coming up soon, (half a precessional cycle later), when Orion reaches its highest position. These precessional numbers – 72, 360, 2,160, 4,320 (2x 2,160), and 25,920, have been found encoded into Egyptian myths, such as the one where Ra, upon discovering his wife’s infidelity, said she was not to bear children on any of the 360 days of the year. Thoth intervened and played a game of draughts with the Moon, and won 1/72nd part of the Moon’s light, creating the extra 5 epagomenal days, on which were born Isis, Osiris, Set, Nephthys, and Horus the elder. (360/72=5). Encoded here is 72 x 360 = 25,920. Remember also the 72 conspirators of Set, who caused Osiris to become part of the tree! Every year, the Egyptians held a festival for Raising the Djed. The Djed was a pillar with 4 rings on it, which represented the backbone of Osiris, the tree he was entombed in, and the axis of the Earth. Barbara Hand Clow has pointed out, in her new book Catastrophobia, 7 that the relief showing the Raising of the Djed in the Temple at Abydos, shows the Djed at an initial angle of “20 to 25 degrees off vertical” – the same as the angle of tilt on Earth’s axis. When measuring the image with a protractor, it is actually within a degree of the 23.5 degree tilt angle. Clow says that around 9,500 BC, at the end of the ice-age, the catastrophe pinpointed by Allan & Delair in When the Earth Nearly Died, 8 when supernova fragments passed close to Earth, caused the start of the precession cycle, by knocking the axis away from vertical. Djed = Axis Mundi = Tree of Life = Tree of Knowledge
Raising the djed, and Osiris as the djed - surmounted by feathers in both cases. Mayan polar axis (also surmounted by feathers -7 Macaw) with snake around it
The Mystic Cross of The Great Hierophant; Arcanum 5 of the Tarot. "The perpendicular stem of the Cross means the channel through which flows the current, passing through the three lower worlds, symbolized by the horizontal arms of the Cross." See how this relates to the 3 worlds of the Shamans (see drum above), and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life *, though the Kabbalists had 4 worlds. The central column, or Middle Pillar also represented the human spine, with its kundalini serpent, just as the djed represented the spine of Osiris. Some Egyptian papyri show the world tree administering spiritual nourishment, thereby combining the concepts of the World Tree, Tree of Life, and Tree of Knowledge. This connection is also emphasised on Stela 25 from Izapa, Mexico, which shows “Hunahpu with Seven Macaw in his polar perch”. The polar axis is shown looking very similar to a Djed pillar, with Seven Macaw representing the Big Dipper (Plough/Great Bear) constellation. John Major Jenkins has shown in his book Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, 9 that the Maya were tracking precession, and that this is what is behind the Long Count calendar. The Crocodile Tree on the stela represents the Milky Way, and Hunahpu is shaking Seven Macaw off his perch, representing the precessional movement of the Big Dipper away from the celestial pole (and also signifying the change in preferred shamanic destination to Galactic Centre, via the Crocodile/Caiman Tree). Notice that there is a snake wrapped around the two trees!
Tree of Knowlege is Amanita Muscaria - a 13th Century fresco in Plaincourault in France In Plaincourault, France, there is a mural showing the Tree of Knowledge , with the snake wrapped around it, and Eve talking to the snake. The Tree is a Fly Agaric mushroom! The Fly Agaric is, of course, a hallucinogenic mushroom, and John Allegro, who translated the Dead Sea Scrolls, went as far as to suggest that the early Christians used it as a sacrament. Bishop Jim Pike, (a friend of sci-fi author Philip k. Dick), found the argument so convincing, that he went to the desert near Qumran on the Dead Sea, in search of Fly Agarics – but unfortunately, he died of dehydration while in the desert. Gordon Wasson wrote a book called Soma, Divine Mushroom of Immortality, identifying the Fly Agaric with Soma, the sacrament of the Hindus, meaning “body”, (which gives us the word somatic). Andrija Puharich also wrote a book about Fly Agaric, called the Sacred Mushroom – Key to the Door of Eternity. A summary of all this can be found in James Arthur’s book, Mushrooms and Mankind. Taking the pee? Every year at Christmas, we re-enact our own Mystery play, which has somehow survived to remind us of all this. December 25th used to be Winter solstice. It is the birthday of the god-man Osiris/Dionysus/Mithras/Jesus, who, as Osiris, represents the polar axis, (Djed) and its 72 x 360-year precession cycle. We pretend that a wise old elf called Santa Claus flies through the sky, pulled by reindeer, (having frozen time, so he can visit everyone), and enters via the chimney. He leaves traditionally wrapped red and white gifts under a pine tree that we have brought indoors, and in socks hanging over the fireplace. Then he flies off to the North Pole! In Siberia, since time immemorial, around Winter Solstice shamans have gathered the red and white Fly Agaric mushrooms from under the very same pine trees we put in our living rooms, and distributed them from a sack. In Siberia, the entrances to homes are in the roof, and double as a smoke outlet, so they really are entering via the chimney! The mushrooms are left to dry out by hanging them over the hearth. The mushrooms have to be gathered quickly, because the reindeer love them. However, it is a fact that the psychoactive ingredient can be recycled several times, and unpleasant side effects such as vomiting, are thus avoided. It is also a fact that the reindeer love eating yellow snow! If a reindeer herder wants to gather his herd, he only has to urinate, and they all come running. That is why the reindeer all fly along in frozen time. Even the reindeer names reinforce the encoding (– see Solstice Studios for more info). The tree also represents the Axis Mundi, with the candles or lights and baubles representing stars, and the star on the top representing the Pole Star. It is usually a 5-pointed star, and therefore encodes 72, since a pentacle is formed by 5 x 72-degree angles. Santa lives at the North Pole, which encodes the OOBE destination, and Santa’s helpers, the elves, are either the fourth dimensional astral beings encountered, or even our higher dimensional selves - also represented by the angel/fairy on the tree. What crazy kind of world is this? Is Jack’s trip up the beanstalk to get the golden eggs another version? Is Humpty Dumpty an exploded planet? What does it all mean? As I said just now, Jenkins has shown that the Maya were tracking precession with the Long Count calendar, but rather than the Vernal Equinox, they were tracking the movement of stars (the Milky Way) against the Winter Solstice. He also showed that the Mayan 13-baktun cycle (5,125 years), ends on Winter Solstice 2012. What is more, the Maya used to take hallucinogens, including toad venom, and psilocybin mushrooms. Jenkins has also found some evidence they may have taken Amanita Muscaria (Fly Agaric),10 but they mainly used the psilocybin mushroom. This is the same mushroom that Terence & Dennis McKenna took, when they were “informed by an elf-troupe that the laws of physics would change in 2012”, and conceived the Timewave Zero concept – a hierarchy of waves governing all change in the universe, and terminating in 2012, encoded in the Chinese I Ching oracle. The psilocybin mushrooms contain DMT, which is also produced in the pineal gland, or third eye, and which is shaped LIKE A PINE-CONE. Some have suggested that the Egyptians too, took psilocybin mushrooms. They did take the blue water lily, which Paul Devereux says in The Long Trip – A Prehistory of Psychedelia,11 “was the form in which Isis restored the murdered Osiris, and was thus a symbol for him”. The lily has hypnotic effects. Devereux says the Egyptians also had access to opium (which gave Errol Flynn an out-of-body experience), and khat, which produces a dream-like state. Also, in the Americas, a different species of tobacco was taken, and in huge doses. A near-lethal dose can give an OOBE. We have heard recently of the “cocaine mummies” found in Egypt – well, they also contained large amounts of nicotine – another plant that should not have been in Egypt – very upsetting for Egyptologists! Devereux has shown that most of these power plants can cause OOBEs when taken in large enough doses, or in combination, (though very dangerous or unpleasant in some cases), and that they have been used for just such purposes for thousands of years. In another book – Shamanism and the Mystery Lines,12 Devereux makes a very strong case that these magical shamanic flights were associated with the alignments we know as Ley Lines, where ancient barrows, standing stones, stone circles, and even pre-reformation churches (built on sacred sites), are aligned in straight lines. Will the “Galactic Winter Solstice” in 2012 allow a mass out-of-body experience? Will celestial and terrestrial grids align? Will a passing celestial body re-align the Axis Mundi to its pre-fall state? Or maybe the falling geomagnetic field will lead to a magnetic reversal, and switch our polarity ( OOBE researcher Robert Monroe found that the body’s polarity reverses while out of body). Maybe the Sun’s sunspot mega-cycle will trigger it (largest EVER solar flare in April 2001- fortunately pointing away from Earth – plus 11-year sunspot cycle just shunted forward almost a year, shifting the next solar Max. to 2012). Or it may be triggered by magnetised bands of plasma which the solar system is passing through. Better get practising those OOBEs!: Click here for safe, non-toxic OOBE resources, and here for a new astral projection site with free online courses. More info at www.egodeath.com/amanita.htm *NB reversed positions of Star & Emperor UPDATE: This crop formation appeared on 15th July at east field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, UK. It connects many of the themes of this essay: It points directly to a Long Barrow called Adam's Grave, thus being identified as the apple tree of the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden, and showing a mushroom with gills in its reflection, thus suggesting that the tree of Knowledge could be a fly-agaric or other psychoactive mushroom, by which shamans "climbed" the tree. It also shows a heaven/overworld and an underworld, suggesting the Norse Yggdrasil, on which Odin hung himself for 3 days to attain knowledge. See http://www.cropcircleconnector.com/2002/eastfield2/eastfield2002b.html East Field, Wilts., UK 15/7/02 C. Photo: Steve Alexander YggdrasilNotes 1. The Lion Path: You Can Take It With You by Muasios (Charles Muses) House of Horus 1985-90; 45911 Silver Avenue, Sardis, BC, V2R 1Y8, Canada. 2. Star Maps by Wm. R. Fix, Octopus Books, 1979; 59, Grosvenor St,., London W1 3. The Jesus Mysteries, by Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy, Thorsons, London, 1999; p. 61 4. Ibid. 5. Hamlet's Mill - An Essay Investigating the Origins of Human Knowledge and its Transmission Thrtough Myth, by Giorgio De Santillana and Hertha Von Dechend, David R. Godine, Publisher, Inc., Boston, Massachusetts, USA; 1977-92 6. The Orion Mystery by Robert Bauval & Adrian Gilbert, Mandarin Paperbacks, London, 1995; Keepers of Genesis, by Robert Bauval & Graham Hancock, Heinemann, London, 1996. 7. Catastrophobia, by Barbara Hand Clow, Bear & Co., Rochester, Vermont, USA; 2001 8. When The Earth Nearly Died - Compelling Evidence of a Catastrophic World Change 9,500 BC, by DS Allan & JB Delair; Gateway Books, Bath, UK, 1995 9. Maya Cosmogenesis 2012, by John Major Jenkins, Bear & Co, 1998 10. Ibid., p.193 11. The Long Trip - A Prehistory of Psychedelia, by Paul Devereux, Arkana (Penguin) 1997; p.88 12. Shamanism and the Mystery Lines, Llewellyn publications, 1999
THE LOST LANGUAGE OF SYMBOLISM AN ENQUIRY INTO THE ORIGIN OF CERTAIN LETTERS, WORDS, NAMES, FAIRY-TALES, FOLK-LORE AND MYTHOLOGIES Harold Bayley 1912 "The Hebrew for man is ish and for woman isha." Page 300 "Each language, wheher Sanscrit or Zulu, is like a palimpsest, which, if carefully handled, will disclose the original text beneath the superficial writing, and though that original text may be more difficult to recover in illiterate languages, yet it is there nevertheless. Every language, if properly summoned, will reveal to us the mind of the artist who framed it, from its earliest awakening to its latest dreams. Everyone will teach us the same lesson, the lesson on which the whole Science of Thought is based, that there is no language without reason, as there is no reason with.out language."1 An analysis of the several terms for man, soul, or spirit reveals the time-honoured belief that the human race emerged in its infancy from the Great Light, and that every human soul was a spark or fragment of the EverExistent Oversoul. The Egyptian for man was se, the German for soul is seele - cognate with Selah! - and meaning likewise the "Light of the Everlasting." The Dutch for soul is ziel, the fiery light of God, and the English soul was once presumably is ol, the essence or light of God.2 The Hebrew for man is ish and for woman isha.
Klaatu gives Helen a chance by going with her to see her friend, Professor Barnhardt (John Cleese). The Professor tries to reason with Klaatu, saying that all civilizations only change when they're at the precipice of a crisis. He says human will change, now that they are really at the edge of destruction.
"You say we're on the brink of destruction and you're right. But it's only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve. This is our moment. Don't take it from us, we are close to an answer".
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) - Memorable quotes www.imdb.com/title/tt0970416/quotes You say we're on the brink of destruction and you're right. But it's only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve. This is ... Regina Jackson: What is your purpose in coming here? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Klaatu: The decision is made. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Klaatu: [to Helen] Your professor is right. At the precipice we change. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guardswoman: [Catching Helen with a cellphone after they had been forbidden] Is that a cell phone? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helen Benson: I need to know what's happening.
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) - Memorable quotes www.imdb.com/title/tt0970416/quotes You say we're on the brink of destruction and you're right. But it's only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve. This is ... Helen Benson: Oh God. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Professor Barnhardt: There must be alternatives. You must have some technology that could solve our problem. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Klaatu: There are some things I can't do. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helen Benson: It's alright. He's here to help. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Professor Barnhardt: I have so many questions to ask you.
About 379,000 Results (0.42 seconds) Search Results The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) - Memorable quotes
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Do People need to be on the Brink of Extinction to Change ?, page 1
But it's only on the brink that people find the will to change | The Day ...
Its only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the ...
At the Precipice of Catastrophic Climate Change?
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008) « A Phil-for-an-ill Blog A revealing and very important dialogue transpires between Klaatu and Dr Benson:
"... it's only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at ...
At the Precipice of Catastrophic Climate Change? At the Precipice of Catastrophic Climate Change? Some thoughts on what it will take for us to change our nature and try to prevent catastrophes instead of reacting too late with too little. Consider the 2008 remake of the film "The Day the Earth Stood Still." Klaatu’s last words, “At the precipice we change.” In this remake of the original 1951 film, the threat of Global Warming has replaced nuclear annihilation. The message being that the aliens will defend the continued habitability of one of the few such planets in their universe when they conclude we humans are on a path to environmental destruction. That therefore we must be eliminated to save the planet. Conservative reviewers were annoyed that the nuclear war danger was replaced with global warming, and put the film down for supposedly saying "Go Green or Die." Actually, the film says "Since we believe you won't change, you must be sacrificed to save the rest of life on the planet." Fortunately, in this film a very logical Nobel Prize-winning Professor Barnhardt (John Cleese, of Monty Python fame.) persuades Klaatu (Keanu Reeves) to re-consider, since the aliens own species only changed when faced with destruction, and that maybe humans too can change at the brink. The professor then advises Helen, the beautiful scientist (Jennifer Connelly) to use her self, not logic, to emotionally persuade Klaatu. Presumably, this can work since Klaatu is an alien in a man's body. Yea! Earth is saved and as a bonus, Keanu Reeves who after all is a robotic actor anyway, exits! However, the alien's bargain is that all electrical and carbon based energy is eliminated. My guess is that hydraulic and mechanical power might be allowed. The Crucial Scene: (Helen takes Klaatu and the Jacob to the home of the physicist who specializes in the evolutionary basis of altruism.) Klaatu: (appreciating Bach) It’s beautiful. Professor: So we are not so different after all. Klaatu: I wish that were true. Meanwhile: (The US government and military tries to open Gort, the giant robot, which releases the replicating insects that start eating humans and all our products.) The Professor: There must be alternatives. You must have some technology that can solve the problem. Klaatu: Your problem is not technology. The problem is you. You lack the will to change. Professor: Then help us change. Klaatu: I can not change your nature. You treat the world as you treat each other. Professor: But every civilization reaches a crisis point eventually. Klaatu: Most of them don't make it. Professor: Yours did. How? Klaatu: Our Sun was dying. We had to evolve in order to survive. Professor: So it was only when your world was threatened with destruction that you became what you are now. Klaatu: Yes. Professor: Well, that’s where we are. You say we're on the brink of destruction, and you're right. But it's only on the brink that people find the will to change. Only at the precipice do we evolve. This is our moment. Don't take it from us. We are close to an answer. Klaatu: (Pauses and then goes outside to see the military coming for him. They get ready to flee, suggesting that he now may want to get to his ship and maybe save humans.) Beautiful scientist: (To the professor) He can't get caught. What do I do? Professor: Change his mind. Not with reason, but with yourself. Beautiful scientist: (Kisses the professor's cheek and rushes off with Klaatu and the boy Jacob.) Final Scene: (Seeing the boy and scientist about to be consumed by the alien insects, Klaatu is moved to try to save them.) Beautiful scientist: Help him, please. Klaatu: (Takes the insects into himself.) Your professor was right. At the precipice we change. (Moved by the beautiful scientist and young fatherless boy to feel for humans, Klaatu decides at the last moment to stop the destruction and save humanity, but only with the elimination of electricity and fossil fuel power.) (The destruction stops and Klaatu leaves earth behind, without lights.) --- "The fate of mankind must not be left in the hands of robots turned into people or people turned into robots." Fidel Castro: Seven Daggers at the Heart of the Americas, 8/6/09 Walter Teague 3/8/10. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some additional thoughts on the precipice: Seems we are on the precipice of catastrophic climate changes. Will we do what is necessity to try to prevent C3? Will we meet the challenge of organizing a public and political movement sufficient to do so. One of the major human difficulties, besides the political, economic and military barriers, is our seeming inability to act before crises, even the ones we see coming such as Katrina, Haiti, Tsunamis, etc. Consider that the two versions of the film classic "The Day the Earth Stood Still" are selling well on Amazon. In the original 1951 film "The Day the Earth Stood Still," the aliens warn us, don't take your destructive ways to space or we'll fry your planet! Well the thousands of atomic rockets remain and the outcome is still uncertain. While these are just movies, I'm left wondering what percentage of the viewers got the message, even if garbled and Hollywood-ish? Are we at the precipice? Perhaps. Will we change enough not to push ourselves over the edge? Perhaps. My question remains, what can we do to facilitate this alleged capacity to change in face of a real precipice? Walter Teague 3/14/10
Do People need to be on the Brink of Extinction to Change ?, page 1 www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread854406/pg1 11 posts - 8 authors - 24 Jun 2012 Professor Barnhardt Klaatu: Your problem is not technology. The problem is you. You lack the will to change.
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